2006加拿大海豹獵殺配額33.5萬頭 | 環境資訊中心



海豹獵殺現場 (圖片來源:http://www.indybay.org)加拿大漁業暨海洋部部長赫恩(Loyola Hearn)15日宣布,加國的今年海豹獵殺配額為33.5萬頭。當他表示這個數量為保育及經濟兩者間的平衡時,令保育人士感到十分訝異。而今年聖勞倫斯港獵季開始的時間,將會於下週與業界諮詢後公佈。

Canadian Seal Hunt Quota Set at 335,000
OTTAWA, Ontario, Canada, March 16, 2006 (ENS)
Canadian sealers will be permitted to kill 335,000 seals this year, Canadian Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Loyola Hearn announced Wednesday. While the minister said the quota was a balance between conservation and economics, environmental groups were appalled. The opening date for the hunt in the Gulf of St. Lawrence will be determined over the next week in consultation with industry.