世界水資源委員會主席:水資源岌岌可危 人類亦將深受其害 | 環境資訊中心

世界水資源委員會主席:水資源岌岌可危 人類亦將深受其害


世界水資源委員會主席馮恩(Loïc Fauchon)於16日的世界水資源論壇開幕式上說:「我們今日在此的原因,是因為被付予了一項重任,為了我們的未來,以及我們後代的未來。來商討這個值得我們去深思、焦慮,甚至於會引發爭論的重要議題。水資源目前已岌岌可危,而我們也將深受影響,但我們目前對這個問題的處置實在是今人無法接受。」

Water Is Endangered, and So Are We
By Loïc Fauchon

{Editor's Note: Loïc Fauchon, president of the World Water Council, delivered this address to the opening session of the 4th World Water Forum on March 16, 2006.}

MEXICO CITY, Mexico, March 17, 2006 (ENS) - On behalf of the World Water Forum, co-organizer of this Forum, please allow me to address my kind regards to the 11,000 participants registered in this Forum and also to express my gratitude to all the working teams, here in Mexico city, at the Council Headquarters in Marseilles, and everywhere in the world, which have contributed over the past two and a half years, to the preparation of this Fourth Forum.