美國環保署報告:減少空污 年救16萬人 | 環境資訊中心

美國環保署報告:減少空污 年救16萬人


德拉瓦州的 Edge Moor電廠,原本以燃煤發電。Calpine於2010年收購後,改以天然氣發電。圖片來自:Conectiv能源公司。美國環保署1日發表評估報告指出,空氣清淨法(Clean Air Act)1990年版修正案在2010年所削減的細懸浮微粒與臭氧污染,預防16萬人免於因污染而過早死亡。(譯註:「細懸浮微粒」即為PM2.5及更小的顆粒。)



環保署的這份報告經過廣泛的審查,也納入空氣清淨分析委員會(Council on Clean Air Compliance Analysis)之成果,此委員會是由經濟學家、科學家與公衛專家組成的獨立小組,由國會於1991年成立。




然而密西根州的共和黨眾議員厄普頓(Fred Upton)與繁榮美國人協會(Americans for Prosperity)的理事長菲利浦斯(Tim Phillips)於2010年12月28日刊登在華爾街日報上的投書,聲稱環保署對溫室氣體管制為一種「奪權」:「削減碳排放意味電價會大幅提高。我們認為美國消費者不會喜歡被歐巴馬的環保署剝皮。」

厄普頓另於1月24日的一份聲明中說:「環保署有過紀錄,當規範太多、太快,會忽略潛在破壞性的經濟後果。」這份聲明是因應環保署在2月提出的規定,其要求工業鍋爐與部分焚化設備應適用最大可達成控制技術(maximum-achievable control technology,簡稱MACT),而環保署的動作也是出自法院要求。



共和黨籍肯塔基州參議員懷特菲爾德(Ed Whitfield)便在1月18日對每日國家新聞報表示:「這個議題遠比美國人民的健康、肺部與肺氣腫還要更大;我們怎麼能夠把這個規範擺進全球就業市場中,還能取得平衡。」





U.S. EPA: Clean Air Act Saved 160,000 lives in 2010
WASHINGTON, DC, March 2, 2011 (ENS)

Last year, the reductions in fine particle and ozone pollution from the 1990 Clean Air Act amendments prevented more than 160,000 cases of premature death, according to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates released Tuesday.

The agency's report examined the effects of the Clean Air Act amendments on the economy, public health and the environment between 1990 and 2020.

By 2020, the benefits of reducing fine particle and ground level ozone pollution under the amendments will reach approximately $2 trillion while saving 230,000 people from early death in that year alone, the report concludes.

About 85 percent of the $2 trillion in economic benefits are attributable to reductions in premature mortality associated with reductions in ambient particulate matter, the report finds.

The EPA report received extensive review and input from the Council on Clean Air Compliance Analysis, an independent panel of economists, scientists and public health experts established by Congress in 1991.

"The Clean Air Act's decades-long track record of success has helped millions of Americans live healthier, safer and more productive lives," said EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson. "This report outlines the extraordinary health and economic benefits of one of our nation's most transformative environmental laws and demonstrates the power of bipartisan approaches to protecting the health of the American people from pollution in our environment."

The Southern Environmental Law Center comments, "The findings of EPA's new report stand in stark contrast to the decades-old mantra of industry lobbyists and their political allies that regulations to protect public health and the environment will cost too much, have little benefit, and drive businesses overseas and workers to the bread lines."

Compelled by a 2007 U.S. Supreme Court ruling, EPA has concluded that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases pose a clear danger to public health in America and began regulating greenhouse gas emissions from power plants and other major facilities on January 2, 2011.

Calling the EPA's greenhouse gas regulations a "power grab" in a letter published in the "Wall Street Journal" December 28, 2010, House Republican Congressman Fred Upton of Michigan and Tim Phillips, president of Americans for Prosperity, wrote, "Cuts in carbon emissions would mean significantly higher electricity prices. We think the American consumer would prefer not to be skinned by Obama's EPA."

"This EPA has a track record of regulating too much too fast while ignoring potentially devastating economic consequences," Upton said on January 24, in a statement about the maximum-achievable control technology, MACT, rules for industrial boilers and some incinerators issued by the EPA in February - also in response to a court order.

"The Boiler MACT rules are a perfect example of what happens when the EPA diverts its resources and attention away from its core responsibilities in order to pursue controversial regulatory schemes - such as its greenhouse gas regime - that lack support in Congress," said Upton.

Some opponents of EPA's new emissions regulations are launching an attack on the entire Clean Air Act, portraying environmental regulation as a choice between health and jobs, says the Southern Environmental Law Center.

"This is a much broader issue than the health of the American people and lungs and emphysema; it's how can we balance that in the global marketplace for jobs," Congressman Ed Whitfield, a Kentucky Republican, told the "National Journal Daily" on January 18, 2011.

Yet the new EPA report, "The Benefits and Costs of the Clean Air Act from 1990 to 2020," shows that the benefits of avoiding early death, preventing heart attacks and asthma attacks, and reducing the number of sick days for employees far exceed costs of implementing clean air protections.

These benefits lead to a more productive workforce, and enable consumers and businesses to spend less on health care - all of which help strengthen the economy, the agency concludes.

Click here for more information and a copy of the summary report.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.