在這個預計花費4千2百萬歐元的方案中,有42個參與的成員包含有工業公司、汽車製造商,公共企業、地方政府、大學院校、 科技與研究機構。它們將會在歐洲各地的預定地區共享資訊來增加電動汽車的相關技術和經驗。
歐盟執委會副主席也是運輸代表委員的卡拉斯(Siim Kallas)表示:「電動汽車對減低二氧化碳排放將會有很大的助益。綠化E動能方案就是要確保電動汽車可以如期順利地完成。」
西門子公司的Heike Barlag負責組織協調綠化E動能方案。他表示:「直到目前為止,各地的觀念和在特定展示區域所累積的經驗現在已在這次跨歐洲的試驗方案中集結起來。目標就是要為整個歐洲發展電動汽車來做準備,這需要將各地公共基礎建設、聯絡網路和資訊科技統一標準化。」
綠化E動能方案的參與者包括有像Alstom、Better Place等工業公司,還有像BMW、Daimler和Micro-Vett等汽車製造廠,以及巴塞隆納、柏林等地方政府,以及Cartif和Cidaut等大學研究機關,還有DTI、FKA等技術機構。
參與成員之一的雷諾日產聯盟(Renault Nissan Alliance)在4月11日表示該項歐洲方案與其本身目標成為全球零排放汽車領導人的方向完全一致。
這個方案是綠能汽車方案的一部份,綠能汽車方案是歐盟執委會主席巴羅佐(Jose Barroso)於2008年11月6日宣布的歐洲經濟復甦方案中三項公私合作關係其中之一者。
The European Commission has launched Green eMotion, a four year cross-European initiative to prepare for environmentally-friendly mobility.
The 42 partners in the 42 million euro initiative are industrial companies and automobile manufacturers, utilities, municipalities, universities, technology and research institutions. They will share information to expand their electromobility know-how and experience in selected regions across Europe.
"Electromobility will make an important contribution toward reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Green eMotion is intended to ensure the fast-track success of electric vehicles," said Siim Kallas, vice president of the European Commission and the commissioner responsible for transport.
Speaking earlier this month at one of a series of introductory events, Kallas said environmentally-friendly mobility will be a major challenge in the future, on a par with the growing trend toward urbanization, the steady rise in the world's population, the increasing scarcity of natural resources, and global climate change.
Standardization is a key factor for a fast and cost-efficient European rollout of electromobility, he said.
The total number of charging stations within the existing demonstration regions will be more than 10,000, as nearly 1,000 are planned for Barcelona, Madrid and Malaga, some 400 in Rome and Pisa, approximately 3,600 in Berlin and about 100 in Strasbourg.
In Denmark, the country with the world's largest share of wind-based power generation, car importers expect to put 2,000 electric cars on the roads this year and as many as 2,000 public and semi-public charging stations will be installed in Copenhagen, Bornholm and Malmo.
Some 2,000 electric vehicles and approximately 3,500 charging stations are part of a nation wide rollout in Ireland.
Heike Barlag from Siemens, who coordinates the Green eMotion project, said, "The local concepts applied to date, in which experience was accumulated in specific demonstration regions, will now be bundled in cross-European trials. The aim is to pave the way for electromobility throughout Europe. This will require standards for infrastructure, networking and IT."
Participants in the the Green eMotion project will gather experience with cars, buses and two-wheelers with pure electric drive systems and as hybrid vehicles.
Some of the demonstration regions will test out battery swapping and DC charging as well as smart grid integration, cross-border traffic, different payment systems and the testing of alternative business models.
"By bundling individual activities in a major partner initiative we're gaining momentum and transparency, and ensuring the coordinated development of electromobility," said Barlag.
The partners in the Green eMotion Initiative are the industrial companies Alstom, Better Place, Bosch, IBM and Siemens; the utilities Danish Energy Association, EDF, Endesa, Enel, ESB, Eurelectric, Iberdrola, RWE and PPC; the automobile manufacturers BMW, Daimler, Micro-Vett, Nissan and Renault; the municipalities Barcelona, Berlin, Bornholm, Copenhagen, Cork, Dublin (represented by the energy agency Codema), Malaga, Malmo and Rome; the universities and research institutions Cartif, Cidaut, CTL, DTU, ECN, Imperial, IREC, RSE, TCD and Tecnalia; and the technology institutions DTI, fka and TUV NORD.
The Renault Nissan Alliance, one of the participating organizations, said in a statement Monday that this European initiative "fits perfectly with the Alliance's aim to be a global leader in zero-emission mobility."
By 2015, the Alliance projects, it will have the capacity to produce 500,000 electric vehicles and batteries at its plants around the world. The Green eMotion project has been budgeted at 42 million euros, of which the EU will contribute about 24 million.
The project is part of the Green Cars Initiative, one of the three Public Private Partnerships of the European Economic Recovery Plan announced by the European Commission President Jose Barroso in November 2008.