美國空污政策爭議 延燒至環保署主管人事案 | 環境資訊中心

美國空污政策爭議 延燒至環保署主管人事案


美國環保署空氣暨放射線處新主管人選,最近成為反布希空污政策一派抨擊的新箭靶。參議院「環境暨公共工程委員會」26日針對新處長人選進行表決,兩政黨壁壘分明,結果以10票贊成8票反對,通過由前公用事業執業律師威倫(William Wehrum)出任處長。民主黨員則誓言杯葛對此任命案的最後確認投票。

Partisan Vote Advances Bush Nominee to Head EPA Air Office
WASHINGTON, DC, April 26, 2006 (ENS)
The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee today voted 10-8 along party lines to approve the nomination of William Wehrum to head the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Air and Radiation. Democrats vowed to block a final confirmation vote on the former utility industry lawyer, who has emerged as the latest target for critics of the Bush administration’s air pollution policies.