和黑穗病多些交集:一位科學家反攻外來種的故事 | 環境資訊中心


記者Lisa Jones報導;謝洵怡 譯

美國,04-11-00 - 美西有許多大家熟知的問題 - 過度放牧、失序而混亂的開發、以及看來像修道院小河般的景致。但有件麻煩事尚未引起許多注意,就是鬼針草。它是一種在1980年代來到此地的外來野草,並從那時起,就逐漸佔領了如蒙大拿州(Montana)般大的土地面積。

More Internet Smut: A scientist fights back against exoticsby
Lisa Jones04.11.00

The Western U.S. has many well-known problems -- overgrazing, rampant development, Garth Brooks look-alikes. But one troublesome issue that hasn't gotten much attention is cheatgrass, an exotic weed that arrived here in the 1890s and has since taken over an area the size of Montana.