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辛巴威總統穆加比(Robert Mugabe)日前打算將全國500多處礦山國有化的一席話,已將辛國經濟的未來導向充滿不確定性與混亂的方向。穆加比曾於4月18日辛巴威獨立紀念日典禮上宣佈礦山所有權的新政策:「我們要把51%的所有權歸屬於辛巴威,剩餘49%讓與投資者。」此番話已引起國外投資人一片恐慌。

Muagabe Plans to Nationalize All Zimbabwe's Mines
HARARE, Zimbabwe, May 17, 2006 (ENS)
President Robert Mugabe has thrown the economic future of beleaguered Zimbabwe into greater uncertainty and confusion with a declaration that the state intends nationalizing all 500 of the country's mines. Speaking at Independence Day celebrations on April 18, Mugabe fanned fears among foreign investors when he said, "We said we want 51 percent in favor of Zimbabwe and 49 percent in favor of the investors."