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亞馬遜區域的軍事將領會議中,也安排了菲格雷多將軍進行一場以「亞馬遜,巴西的祖產」為題進行演講,針對巴西所面對的外國干預風險提出警告。與會者預計在會議結束時草擬一封《來自瑪瑙斯》 的公開信,寄給今年度總統大選各候選人手上。




Brazil's State Legislatures Debate Internationalization of the Amazon
MANAUS, Brazil, May 18, 2006 (ENS)

The 10th National Conference of State Legislatures of Brazil is debating charges that the Amazon is being internationalized by the presence of numerous nongovernmental organizations. State deputies from various regions in Brazil and experts on the Amazon are gathered in Manaus for the event, which is sponsored by the National Union of State Legislatures.

The idea that Brazil's Amazon rainforest, the largest in the world, is coveted by the international community because its drinking water and forest resources are seen as collective public goods, is a recurring fear in Brazil.

In their desire to help protect the world's largest rainforest, environmental groups have raised the fear of foreign interference. State legislators worry that the international community believes it can do a better job of managing Brazil's natural resources than the governments of Brazil.

During the conference the military commander of the Amazon region, General Cláudio Barbosa Figueiredo, will give a talk entitled "Amazônia - Patrimony of Brazil," in which he will warn of the foreign intervention risks the country faces.

At the end of the conference, which began yesterday and runs through Friday, the participants intend to draft a Letter from Manaus, which will be delivered to the candidates in this year's presidential race.

For their part, many environmentalists regard the Amazon as a world resource that must be preserved because its rich biodiversity is of global importance. Some of the largest nongovernmental organizations operating in the Brazilian Amazon are branches of international organizations and operate as autonomous, non-profit Brazilian civil society organizations.

Established in 1996, WWF-Brazil acts nationwide with the mission of contributing to a Brazilian society that conserves its natural environment, harmonizing human activity with the preservation of biodiversity and the sustainable use of natural resources, to the benefit of the citizens of today and of future generations.

Greenpeace Brazil is an autonomous branch of the international environmental organization and is constantly demonstrating against destruction of the Amazon. The latest Greenpeace Brazil campaign is against clearing the forest for soy plantations. Soy is a leading Brazilian export product, and some of the soy production is used to feed chickens slaughtered for the fast food industry.