乾淨能源取代化石燃料 全美過半民眾表支持 | 環境資訊中心

乾淨能源取代化石燃料 全美過半民眾表支持



美國環保局6日在華盛頓DC舉辦新電廠碳排限制公聽會,會場外有團體聲援。(圖:Moms Clean Air Force)

美環署限制電廠碳排量 10位選民7位支持

該民調由美國草根環境組織賽拉俱樂部(Sierra Club)委託格林伯格-昆蘭-羅斯納研究所(Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research)執行,於1月11日至20日間從全國登記選民中隨機抽樣1000位受訪者進行調查訪問。

「選民幾乎一面倒地傾向淘汰化石燃料、改用乾淨能源,相信政府應該採取更多行動打擊氣候惡化,對於EPA限制火力電廠碳污染的政策也展現高度支持。」格林伯格─昆蘭─羅斯納研究院副總裁Andrew Baumann說。

2013年9月EPA提出全國第一個潔淨空氣法案(Clean Air Act)標準,以減少新電廠的碳污染、對抗氣候變遷並改善公眾健康。問及受訪者對於總統歐巴馬提出的氣候計畫與EPA的電廠碳排放限制法案,10位受訪者中有7位表示支持EPA設立電廠碳排放量標準。



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「美國人希望減少對化石燃料的依賴,改以100%乾淨能源供電。此次民調結果應能向歐巴馬和EPA表達清楚立場,告訴他們務必修改目前「以上皆是」的能源政策,而改以乾淨能源完全取代化石燃料。」賽拉俱樂部執行董事Michael Brune說。

Poll: Voters Support Carbon Limits on Power Plants
WASHINGTON, DC, February 10, 2014 (ENS)

A new national survey finds support for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to limit climate-warming carbon emissions from power plants.

Commissioned by the Sierra Club, the survey conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research polled 1,000 registered voters across the country from January 11-20.

The survey found strong support among respondents for moving away from coal and other fossil fuels and a preference for investing in clean energy.

“Voters overwhelmingly want to see the country move away from fossil fuels and toward clean energy, and they believe the government should be taking more action to combat climate disruption,” said Andrew Baumann, vice president of Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research. “As a result, they show very strong support for new EPA limits on carbon pollution from power plants.”

In September 2013 the EPA proposed the country’s first Clean Air Act standards to cut carbon pollution from new power plants to combat climate change and improve public health.

Power plants are the largest concentrated source of emissions in the United States, accounting for roughly one-third of all domestic greenhouse gas emissions. While the United States has limits in place for arsenic, mercury and lead pollution that power plants can emit, currently there are no national limits on the amount of carbon pollution new or existing power plants can emit.

When presented with President Barack Obama’s climate plan and the proposed Environmental Protection Agency limits on carbon pollution from power plants, seven-in-ten respondents said they favor the EPA putting limits on the amount of carbon pollution that power plants can release.

The pollsters found that by nearly a 2-to-1 margin, voters think the country should be investing more in clean energy sources and energy efficiency rather than in fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas (61 percent for clean energy vs. 33 percent traditional sources).

A majority of voters (51 percent) “strongly” prefers investing in clean energy.

Support is even higher among African-American voters (77 percent) and Latino voters (71 percent).

A strong majority of voters (58 percent) favor the U.S. setting national goals to move away from coal and other fossil fuels and replace them with clean, renewable sources by the year 2030 – this includes 57 percent who favor moving “entirely away from coal,” and 59 percent who favor moving entirely away from “fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas.”

Two-in-three U.S. voters say the issue of climate disruption is a serious problem.

The majority of voters (56 percent) believe that the government already limits the amount of carbon pollution that power plants can release, which the government currently does not.

“Americans want to cut their ties to dirty fuels and instead power their country with 100 percent clean energy,” said Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune. “These poll results should send a clear message to President Obama and the EPA that they must look beyond an ‘all of the above’ energy policy and completely replace dirty fuels with clean energy.”

※ 全文及圖片詳見:ENS


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.