新證據顯示:魚肉中的低劑量汞有害健康 | 環境資訊中心



大型或位於食物鏈上游的魚,體內會累積較多的汞 (圖片來源 : Daina S.) 一名舊金山醫師海陶爾(Jane Hightower)最近出版新書指出,美國食品及藥物管理局(FDA)規定的人體汞攝入標準,並沒有考量魚肉中低濃度汞可能造成的傷害。





如今還可以在Corrosion Doctors網站找到當年甲基汞中毒事件的受害人數。



海陶爾博士說,1970年代中期,FDA和旗魚業巨擎安德森海鮮公司(Anderson Seafood Inc.)為FDA制定的人體攝入汞標準出庭時,安德森就是援引那份伊拉克研究,作為高劑量汞安全無虞的證明。其後,安德森便以這份證據贏了那場官司。



她在10月8日發表新書「Diagnosis: Mercury: Money, Politics, and Poison,」時表示,生殖年齡的婦女和孩童也會受影響。


New Evidence: Low Level Mercury in Fish a Health Hazard
SAN FRANCISCO, California, October 10, 2008 (ENS) -

The current mercury consumption guidelines from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration may not take into account the damage done by exposure to low levels of mercury in fish, according to a new book by San Francisco physician Dr. Jane Hightower.

"The problem is that we are not given enough information about just how much mercury is in the fish that is widely available in stores and restaurants. Most American consumers are simply unaware that the fish they eat could be making them sick," she said.

The San Francisco doctor was the first to recognize low-level mercury poisoning in patients who regularly consume certain types of fish when she saw the symptoms some of her own patients had in common.

Dr. Hightower's research now extends from the individual patients in her practice to widespread mercury poisonings in Japan, Canada, and Iraq.

She says the FDA guidelines for mercury "are rooted in a study of the victims of a mass methylmercury poisoning in Saddam Hussein's Iraq." But the poisoned food in that study was not fish - it was wheat.

"An associate in Iraq's health ministry who oversaw the study of Iraqi victims of mercury toxicity has recently revealed that he withheld information from researchers - information that might have shown severe effects at much lower levels of exposure," she warns.

An article on the Corrosion Doctors website gives some idea of the numbers of people affected by that methylmercury poisoning in food.

"In the early 1970's a major methyl mercury poisoning catastrophe occurred in which an estimated 10,000 people died and 100,000 were severely and permanently brain damaged. Saddam Hussein's regime was largely successful in suppressing information about the event," the site states.

In the late 1960's and early 1970's, Iraqi harvests failed to produce enough to feed the people. Officials decided to import a newly branded "wonder wheat" from Mexico, but they worried that the seed might grow moldy during the long, humid ocean journey to Iraq if it was not dressed with some fungicide.

"Methyl mercury became the most cost-effective fungicide, because it had recently been banned in Scandinavia and several American states due to environmental and toxicological risks," Corrision Doctors explains. "So the world market was flooded and prices dropped."

Dr. Hightower says that when the FDA and the swordfishing giant Anderson Seafood Inc. went to court in the mid-1970s over the FDA's consumption guidelines, Anderson used the Iraqi study as proof that high levels of mercury exposure are safe for the general public.

The company won its case based on the evidence presented in court.

But Dr. Hightower says she learned that one of the lead investigators of the Iraqi poisoning disputed the fishing industry's claim of how much mercury is safe to eat.

Government agencies around the world, including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, have moved away from the idea that there are "safe" levels of mercury blood levels based on the Iraq studies. But still Hightower says the FDA has failed to adequately warn the public that mercury-laden seafood is a major threat to their health.

The concern reaches far beyond women of childbearing age and children, she said Wednesday as her book, "Diagnosis: Mercury: Money, Politics, and Poison," was released.

Health officials generally recognize that older, larger fish, higher on the predatory food chain will be the ones with the highest concentration of mercury in their meat.
