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蒙特內哥羅高檔旅遊廣告 看不見黑暗事實








非政府組織「改變小組」(The Group for Changes),試圖重整成為一個政黨,特別針對驅策旅遊業的發展發表了評論。

改變小組中的Petar Vuceljic強調,秘密交易及策劃過程不公開,將使得政治權力份子掌控國家的貴重資產。在蒙特內哥羅境內,藉由走私非法賺取金錢的『暴發戶』資本家,正設法取得國家最重要的旅遊業經營權。



Wild Montenegro Woos Wealthy Tourists
KOTOR, Montenegro, June 28, 2006 (ENS); By Nikola Doncic

科托爾市區的垃圾。The advertisements, shown on CNN television and in newspapers and magazines, have become an increasingly familiar sight to the globe trotting public. "Wild Montenegro" is the catch phrase - featuring such delights as mountains, picturesque old towns, sandy beaches and rafting on the Tara River. But behind the hype of the glossy tourist ads lies a different reality.

one that the government is loathe to talk about - of shabby resorts, decaying infrastructure, illegal constructions that are ruining the landscape, sewage problems and water shortages that can make the most perfect-sounding holiday a hellish experience.

It has been a long haul back from the sunny days of the 1980s, when Montenegro was one of the region's most popular tourist destinations, earning an annual revenue from tourism of around 79 million euro. But then warfare, and the siege of nearby Dubrovnik, in which Montenegrin soldiers took part, intruded. The tourists went away and by the early 1990s, tourism revenues had slumped to only US$6 million.

Determined to put tourism back on its feet, in 2002 the Montenegrin government, in association with the European Union, unveiled a master plan for the development of Montenegrin tourism until 2020.
Massive construction is dramatically altering the coastal skyline. One illustration of this is the Hotel Splendid in Becici, near Budva, which with 800 beds is now the biggest hotel on the Montenegrin Riviera.

But not all this bright and brash development meets an approving eye in Montenegro, where critics of the government say too much development is in the hands of cartels and a handful of oligarchs.
The Group for Changes, a nongovernmental organization, which is re-launching itself as a political party, is especially critical of the handling of the tourism drive.

Petar Vuceljic, from the group, claims secret deals, hatched far from the public gaze, are enabling an oligarchy to take control of the country's most valuable assets. "Montenegro's 'nouveau riche' capitalist class is trying to take ownership of the country's most important tourism capacities, using money made from smuggling," said Vuceljic.

Another more indisputable problem affecting the tourist industry is widespread abuse of town planning and zoning laws. The announced construction of two hotels next to the medieval walls of the town of Kotor, one of the tourist industry's pearls, may result in the Kotor-Risan bay being crossed off UNESCO's list of world cultural and natural highlights.

However, the long list of problems affecting Montenegrin's tourist industry is not likely to stem the growth in the number of foreign visitors.