保育有「錢」景 全球投資總額達230億 | 環境資訊中心

保育有「錢」景 全球投資總額達230億




印度洋島國塞席爾的紅樹林。(來源:Valerie Hukalo)

私人投資比例增加 學者:「錢不是問題」



「報告用數字證實了我們長期觀察到的現象──私人投資投注越來越多的資金在保育事業,不只加強了保育工作,也獲得財務報酬。但這還不夠。報告也顯示,錢不是問題,是勇氣、開創性和創造力的問題。我們需要更多更好的財務投資計畫。如果成功,將能帶來數十億的資金,改善全球的永續糧食供給、保護棲地和水資源。」EKO資產管理公司合夥人、報告共同作者Ricardo Bayon說。

最受投資人青睞:水資源 糧食永續 棲地保育




專家鼓勵私人投資 善加運用影響力





Global Market for Conservation Investing Hits $23 Billion
ARLINGTON, Virginia, November 7, 2014 (ENS)

The first survey of conservation investing reveals a fast-growing market that totaled $23 billion in the five-year period from 2009-2013. Private investments accounted for almost $2 billion of this market.

Conservation investments, also called conservation impact investments, are intended to return principal or generate profit while driving a positive impact on natural resources and ecosystems.

The report, “Investing in Conservation: A landscape assessment of an emerging market,” is the first data-driven study of the market for conservation-related investments based on direct feedback from investors.

The findings are drawn from a survey of 56 investors, including five for-profit and nonprofit development finance institutions and 51 private investment organizations.

Most of the investments were made in three main areas: water quantity and quality conservation; sustainable food and fiber production; and habitat conservation.

The report was co-authored by EKO Asset Management Partners and The Nature Conservancy’s NatureVest division. It was overseen by a steering committee that also included the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and JPMorgan Chase & Co.

“Our report puts real numbers to what we’ve long suspected – private investors are deploying more capital than before toward investments that lead to both greater conservation and a definable financial return. But more needs to be done,” said Ricardo Bayon, EKO Asset Management partner and co-author of the report.

“What the report tells us is that this is not a money problem. The money is out there. It is about courage, ingenuity, and creativity. It is about coming up with appropriate financeable deals. If we’re successful, it will mean that billions of new dollars will flow into efforts to improve sustainable food supplies, protect habitats, and achieve water conservation around the world,” Bayon said.

Based on the data considered for this study, the total market for conservation investment is expected to increase to $37.1 billion over the next five years.

The authors calculate that private investments in this space are expected to more than triple over the period 2014-2018. Private investments are growing at an average of 26 percent annually, and are expected to reach more than $5.6 billion by 2018.

Of the nearly $2 billion already invested by private investors, 80 percent came from only 10 sources, the survey finds.

Private investors expect to deploy $1.5 billion of already-raised capital over the next five years, and to raise and invest an additional $4.1 billion, the report projects.

Of the three categories of conservation investment studied, development finance institutions invested most in water quality and quantity projects, $15 billion, while private investors invested largely in sustainable food and fiber production, about $1.2 billion.

In 2010, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, IUCN, said that to halt biodiversity loss $300 billion per year must be invested in conservation by the year 2020.

Yet current levels of investment, mainly from governments, multilateral agencies, and philanthropic sources, total only about $50 billion, according to the new study.

To address the shortage of conservation impact investment opportunities, the study co-authors are working to structure conservation opportunities that can be supported by private capital.

In 2014, with support from JPMorgan Chase & Co., the Nature Conservancy launched NatureVest, a dedicated division focused on deploying $1 billion in impact capital for conservation over the next three years by convening investors, developing and executing innovative financial transactions, and building an investment pipeline across multiple sectors.

For example, NatureVest is mobilizing an $80 million debt-swap for the government of the Indian Ocean island nation of The Seychelles in exchange for their commitment to enhance marine conservation and climate adaptation. The organization aims to replicate this model to help other small island nations invest in marine conservation efforts that will limit the risks and costs posed by climate change.

※ 全文及圖片詳見:ENS