聯合國人道機構向黎巴嫩伸援手 | 環境資訊中心






國際紅十字會駐貝魯特發言人哈珊(Hicham Hassan)指出:「以色列的轟炸行動越來越猛烈,現在情勢更加艱難,幾乎無法獲得可靠的訊息。」他說:「人們孤立無援,南方各村莊已成孤島,與外界完全斷絕聯繫。」


聯合國兒童基金會18日發表了一份黎巴嫩情勢評估報告,指該國的人道情勢迅速惡化中。據估計,戰事已導致200多位黎巴嫩平民死亡、400多人受傷──其中大約30 %是兒童。武裝衝突導致機場、道路、發電廠、橋樑和加油站遭到破壞,基本民生物資運送系統瓦解。

聯合國兒童基金會發出呼籲,希望募集730萬美元款項,以支應未來4 個月直到2006年11月18日的急迫性需求。該機構指出,此金額中最多會運用290萬美元支應水和衛生需要,健康和營養照護則須240萬美元,而剩餘將用作維安、後勤、社會心理重建、教育、電信和行政開銷。

Humanitarian Agencies Marshal Support for Lebanon
BEIRUT, Lebanon, July 18, 2006 (ENS)

以色列轟炸過後With access to medical care, water, sanitation and other heath necessities in Lebanon severely limited by Israeli attacks, United Nations humanitarian agencies have stepped up preparations for a coordinated, regional response to the crisis, the World Health Organization (WHO) said today. "Access to health care for injured and patients with chronic conditions is a major concern."

In addition, the world health agency said that impaired power supplies have limited water and sanitation services, and that food, shelter and health services must be ensured for the displaced population.

The number of people displaced countrywide due to ongoing Israeli attacks has been estimated by the government at 65,000, with most seeking shelter in Beirut and in the north of the country, according to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs - Integrated Regional Information Networks.

"It's now a more difficult situation because bombing has increased and there's little information available," said Hicham Hassan, spokesman for the International Committee of the Red Cross in Beirut. "People are stranded and villages in the south are isolated from one another and the rest of the country."

In the event they are needed, the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) has prepared emergency health kits, family hygiene kits and water tanks, water purification material, generators and fuel to be sent to Lebanon, while WFP has made available 25,000 tons of biscuits for the displaced population, WHO said.

In a situation report, UNICEF said today that the humanitarian situation in Lebanon is rapidly deteriorating. The conflict is estimated to have killed over 200 Lebanese civilians and wounded more than 400 – approximately 30 percent of whom are children. It has destroyed airports, roads, power plants, bridges, and fuel stations, disrupting the delivery of vital social services.

UNICEF is asking for donations of US$7.3 million to cover their immediate needs over the coming four months through November 18, 2006. Of this sum, the largest amount, US$2.9 million will be needed for water and sanitation, US$ 2.4 million for health and nutrition, while the remainder will be spent for security and logistics, psycho-social, education, telecommunications and administrative needs.