美國海水浴場含菌量高 環保署挨告 | 環境資訊中心

美國海水浴場含菌量高 環保署挨告


如此的警示牌在美國愈來愈常見由於美國海水浴場水質檢測出的含菌數越來越高,環保團體「自然資源防護協會」(NRDC)發表今年海水檢測報告「水質檢測」(Testing the Waters),發出警訊。該團體並向法院提出訴訟,控訴環保署怠忽職責,未能修訂國會六年前所制定的水質標準,以因應現代環境。

High Number of Polluted U.S. Beach Days Motivates Lawsuit
WASHINGTON, DC, August 3, 2006 (ENS)
在海水浴場設置水質偵測點High levels of bacterial contamination at an increasing number of U.S. beaches has prompted the Natural Resources Defense Council to sue the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for failing to modernize the health standards as ordered by Congress six years ago. The lawsuit was announced today in conjunction with the release of the environmental group's annual beachwater sampling report, "Testing the Waters."