Leonie Haimson是 Liberty Tree Alliance網站的前特約專欄作家,也是「The Way Things Really Are: Debunking Rush Limbaugh on the Environment」的作者之一
In 1996, the IPCC projected that the average surface temperature of the Earth would rise another two to six degrees Fahrenheit by the year 2100, with continued increases thereafter, unless concerted measures are adopted to limit the emissions of greenhouse gases. The IPCC has predicted several probable consequences of future warming, including sea level rises of an additional six to 37 inches by the year 2100, and increased frequency and duration of many extreme weather events, such as heat waves and droughts. Heavy rains and flooding are also predicted to occur more frequently in many parts of the world, since higher temperatures lead to more rapid rates of evaporation and precipitation. In the United States, where the best data are available, an increased number of extreme rainfall events has already been observed.
Climate change is likely to have wide-ranging and mostly adverse effects on human health. The greater frequency of heat waves is expected to raise mortality rates from heat stress, and to enlarge the potential ranges of many infectious diseases, for example, bringing malaria and dengue fever into the temperate zone, including parts of the United States.
For the 50 percent to 70 percent of the human population living in coastal areas, rising sea levels and more frequent storm surges could have devastating effects, subjecting millions of people's homes to periodic flooding or permanent submergence. In many parts of the tropics such as Africa, where inhabitants are already prone to malnutrition and famine, harvests are projected to decline as a result of climate change. In some temperate and northern regions, agricultural production could increase, depending on how the expected proliferation of pests and weeds due to climate change balances out the fertilizing effects of increased carbon dioxide.
Global warming also has the potential to transform many of the world's natural ecosystems over the next century, causing, for example, about one-third of the Earth's forested area to undergo major shifts in composition. Among ecosystems most likely to experience serious disruption are those at higher latitudes, such as far northern forests and tundra, as well as coastal ecosystems, with dramatic consequences for fisheries and marine biodiversity.
Our Challenge
Addressing the problem of climate change in an effective and timely manner is probably the most complex and difficult challenge the nations of the world have ever faced. Additional warming is already inevitable, given past emissions, since most greenhouse gases once released remain in the atmosphere for a century or more. Moreover, political systems usually respond inadequately in anticipation of future threats. In this case, there are powerful economic interests fighting decisive action, including the fossil fuel corporations and their allied unions, OPEC countries, and the many industries that rely heavily on the use of fossil fuels, such as auto, chemical, and metal-producing companies. Nevertheless, several multinational oil corporations headquartered in Europe, including British Petroleum and Shell, have recently accepted the reality of global warming, begun to invest more intensively in alternative energy, and pledged to reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases.
Developing nations bring further uncertainties to the mix. Though the industrialized countries, especially the United States, lead the world in per capita greenhouse gas emissions, the total emissions of developing nations are growing at a faster rate and are expected to surpass those of the industrialized world early in the next century. Whether these countries can be persuaded to enter into binding agreements to cap their emissions will most likely depend upon whether they believe they will be able to develop fast enough by adopting clean, efficient energy systems, and whether they will be sufficiently assisted in doing so by the richer, industrialized nations. One positive step forward in Buenos Aires was an announcement from two members of the developing world bloc, Argentina and Kazakhstan, that they will voluntarily take steps to limit their emissions.
Leonie Haimson was the climate columnist for the former Liberty Tree Alliance website. She co-authored The Way Things Really Are: Debunking Rush Limbaugh on the Environment for the Environmental Defense Fund, and edited Common Questions on Climate Change for the U.N. Environment Program.
版權歸屬 Earth Day Network,環境信託協會