大象馬球比賽過於殘忍 動物福利團體憤憤不平 | 環境資訊中心

大象馬球比賽過於殘忍 動物福利團體憤憤不平


印度大象馬球遭保育人士抗議(圖片來源:World Polo Assn.)來自印度不同保育團體的18名抗議人士,17日在印度捷布馬球場抗議大象馬球比賽,隨即遭到警方逮捕。這些保育人士認為大象馬球比賽是對大象的一種酷刑。抗議者表示,為了使大象聽從指示,騎師使用尖銳的鐵鈎戳刺大象頭部,因此引發的開放性傷口造成傷口嚴重感染,且痊癒得慢。他們聲稱大象頭部的傷口,被裝飾布料及珠寶遮蓋住以免讓觀眾看到。

在英國大象之家(Elephant Family of the UK)及捷布受害協助(Help in Suffering of Jaipur) 等動物福利團體抗議之後,18日實際馬球比賽期間便禁止使用鐵鈎。但抗議者指出他們觀察到訓練員在比賽的前後仍然使用鐵鈎。



人道動物對待協會(Ethical Treatment of Animals India)也要求卡地亞取消對大象馬球的贊助。該協會在聲明中表示:「讓卡地亞知道該找到其他推銷珠寶的管道,而不是傷害動物。」

由捷布展開的大象馬球季只是個開端,在18日開始持續進行的第25屆年度世界大象馬球大賽將為期一週,在尼泊爾西南奇旺國家公園的虎頂酒店舉辦。這場比賽將由酒製造商起瓦士(Chivas Regal)所贊助。

Elephant Polo Draws Anger of Animal Welfare Groups
JAIPUR, India, November 20, 2006 (ENS)

Eighteen protesters from organizations across India were arrested Friday at Jaipur's polo ground as they demonstrated against a game of elephant polo, a sport they say is cruel to the elephants. The protesters say sharp steel hooks used to prod the elephants into obeying their riders cause open wounds, which become painfully infected and are slow to heal. They claim the resulting head injuries are covered with ornamental cloths and jewellery to hide them from spectators.

Use of the hooks was not allowed during the actual polo match on Saturday after a campaign against them by animal welfare groups, Elephant Family of the UK and Help in Suffering of Jaipur. But protesters say they observed trainers using the steel hooks on elephants before and after the match.
Polo elephants are captured from the wild and kept chained up, and the protesters say that is no way to treat members of an endangered species.

The polo match was sponsored by jewelry giant Cartier, which said in a statement November 15 that the event was held for the benefit of working elephants in the Indian state of Rajasthan and its capital, Jaipur.

Elephant polo has a 35 year history in Jaipur. The event was endorsed by the Animal Welfare Board of India, a government agency, and was monitored by members of Elephant Family and Help in Suffering. Cartier says it is "proud to support" the activities of these organizations. But the protesters want the company to withdraw its sponsorship, demonstrating with a banner reading, "Cartier: Time to Stop Elephant Cruelty."

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals India also has demanded that Cartier withdraw its elephant polo sponsorship. "Tell Cartier that it should find ways to promote its fine jewelry without causing harm to animals," the NGO said in a statement.

The Jaipur match was the start of elephant polo season which continues Saturday with the 25th anniversary of World Elephant Polo - a week-long series of matches at Tiger Tops Jungle Lodge in the Royal Chitwan National Park in southwest Nepal, Sponsored by liquor manufacturer Chivas Regal.




蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.