聖誕節難聞「香」 乳香樹繁殖不易 香樹脂產量低 | 環境資訊中心

聖誕節難聞「香」 乳香樹繁殖不易 香樹脂產量低


非洲之角的乳香樹(圖片來源:Wageningen University)荷蘭協同非洲厄立特里亞的生態學家13日警示,就近來乳香樹的栽植率來看,芳香樹脂萃取的產量有短缺之虞。此類樹脂二千多年來廣作為提煉焚香與香水之用,每年聖誕節時特別受教會團體歡迎。生態學家指出,非洲之角的乳香樹脂產量減少的原因是由於乳香木森林無法再生。





為了採得乳香樹脂,要在乳香木樹幹上切一道很深很長的切口,在切口之下剝去一長條樹皮,當滲出的乳汁因接觸空氣而凝固,就將切口切得更深。大約三個月後,樹脂凝固成清澈黃色的大球後,就把它們從樹幹上刮下來放入籃子裡。 研究的生態學家表示,如果要讓產量能永續,採集乳汁的方式比須改變。

Prized for Fragrant Resin, Frankincense Tress Are Vanishing
WAGENINGEN, The Netherlands, December 13, 2006 (ENS)

Current rates of tapping trees for frankincense are endangering the fragrant resin’s sustained production, ecologists from the Netherlands and Eritrea warned today. For 2000 years, the resin has been used in incense and perfumes, popular in Christian communities at Christmas. Ecologists say frankincense production in the Horn of Africa is declining because Boswellia woodlands are failing to regenerate.

According to the Bible, frankincense was given to the baby Jesus by the three wise men at Christmas. As a result the resin is especially in demand for modern Christmas celebrations, and it will be featured in thousands of Nativity plays

In many Arab communities today, festive events like weddings, Eid celebrations, and the birth of a newborn are incomplete without the burning of frankincense. In Omani homes across the sultanate, frankincense is indispensable to the ritual of demonstrating one's hospitality to visiting guests.

To determine why the Boswellia trees are failing to regenerate, the ecologists hypothesized that intensive tapping is causing the trees to divert too much carbohydrate into resin, at the expense of reproductive organs, such as flowers, fruit and seeds.

Working in southwestern Eritrea, they tested the hypothesis by looking at how many seeds intensively tapped trees produced, and their germination rates, compared with untapped trees. "At all study sites, trees subject to experimental tapping produced fewer flowers, fruits and seeds than trees that were exempt from tapping," said Bongers, an expert in tropical forest ecology. "Furthermore," he said, "tapped trees produced smaller fruits with seeds of lower weight and reduced vitality than non-tapped trees."

To obtain the frankincense, a deep, longitudinal incision is made in the trunk of the Boswellia tree and below it a narrow strip of bark is peeled off. When the milky juice which exudes has hardened by exposure to the air, the incision is deepened. In about three months the resin hardens into large clear yellow globules which are scraped off into baskets. Based on their findings, the authors say that for production to be sustainable, the way that frankincense is tapped needs to be changed.




蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.