看守世界研究中心(Worldwatch Institute)10日於其世界現況年度報告中指出,現今都市化的腳步過快且未經詳細規劃,對於人類健康與生態環境已逐漸構成威脅。時至2008年,地球半數以上的人口將棲身都市叢林之中,可謂人類在歷史中第一次被視為都市生物。
據美國研究報告顯示,未來人類與地球的命運,將取決於人們是否有能力妥善應對快速都市化所帶來的社會與環境之挑戰,特別是都市中的貧窮問題。看守世界中心能源暨氣候執行長索因(Janet Sawin)亦表示:「儘管一些城市已抛磚引玉,不過所有城市都必須為世上龐大的溫室氣體排放量負全責。」
Rapid and chaotic urbanization is taking a massive toll on human health and the environment, the Worldwatch Institute said today in its annual report on the state of the world. In 2008, half of the Earth’s population will live in cities, the first time in history that humans can be considered an urban species.
How the world tackles the social and environmental challenges of urbanization, in particular the needs of the urban poor, will determine the future of humanity and the fate of the planet, according to the report by the U.S. research group. "Cities are directly or indirectly responsible for the vast amount of the world's greenhouse gas emissions," said Janet Sawin, director of the Worldwatch Institute Institute's energy and climate change program, "But many cities are now leading the way."
The report calls for a broad effort on the part of cities and nongovernmental organizations to gather and share information on local solutions to urban problems and for policymakers to ensure the urban poor have a voice in development decisions.