聯合國環境規劃署執行長史坦納(Achim Steiner)表示:「這篇報告對於黎巴嫩政府與人民所面臨的嚴重環境問題,有清楚詳細的描述。像是戰爭殘骸、農田裡的炸彈碎片、工廠遭炸毀或燒毀留下的有毒廢棄物,以及到處都有的水源污染、污水排放系統污染危機等,都需要緊急的處理行動。」
Urgent widespread environmental problems confront the Lebanese authorities as a result of the conflict between Hezbollah and Israel last summer, finds a report issued today by the United Nations Environment Programme, UNEP. On the positive side, the missiles used in the conflict did not contain depleted uranium or any other kind of radioactive material.
UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner said, "The report provides a comprehensive picture of the outstanding environmental problems facing the Lebanon and its people. Some of these, like war-related debris, cluster bombs on farmland, toxic waste - the result of bomb damage and fires at industrial facilities - and the widespread damage to water and sewage systems require urgent remedial action."
"Others are more long-term in nature including the necessity for systematic monitoring of the health of local populations, and the environment, in certain key locations," Steiner said.
Many of the bombed and burned out factories and industrial complexes including the Jiyeh power plant south of Beirut, are contaminated with toxic and hazardous substances, says the report.
Urgent action is needed to remove and safely dispose of these substances, which include ash and leaked chemicals, amid concerns they represent a threat to water supplies and public health.
The main hot spots of concern are the Choueifat industrial area where a cluster of sites was bombed, Beirut’s International Airport, and the Ghabris detergent factory in Tyre.
At these sites there are toxic or hazardous ashes, oils, heavy metals, industrial chemicals, rubble, solid waste and sewage. These may pose health risks to cleanup workers and local communities.