利用國家公園資源研究之獲利 美將尋求回饋共享 | 環境資訊中心

利用國家公園資源研究之獲利 美將尋求回饋共享

摘譯自2007年1月26日ENS美國,華府報導;Nina L.編譯;蔡麗伶審校

研究人員在國家公園進行珊瑚研究(圖片來源:NPS;攝影:Richard Curry )美國企業組織取用國家公園內有機物並發展商業使用所獲得之利益,在國家公園管理處目前訂定的計畫定案後,將可能要把獲利交出與國家公園共享。在計畫書中最新的版本裡提到,將近400個國家公園可與共同研究機構達成「福利共享協定」。


然而國家資源機構的全國工作者協會「環境責任公職人員組織」(PEER)執行長路克(Jeff Ruch)表示:「我們的國家公園不是企業的實驗室。」 PEER極力主張公園管理處不能同意公園資源作為商業發展。路克說:「如果公園管理處執意要走這條不可靠的路,那就得在光天化日下進行,不要掩蓋關於所有權秘密的交易。」



Feds Seek Share of Profits From Research in U.S. Parks
WASHINGTON, DC, January 26, 2007 (ENS)

黃石公園的噴泉(圖片來源:NPS)The National Park Service is finalizing its plan for profit sharing with corporations that extract organisms from America's national parks and develop commercial uses for those organisms. Under the latest version of the proposal, any of the nearly 400 national parks could enter into a "benefits-sharing agreement” with corporate research firms.

The companies would provide the National Park Service, NPS, with monetary or compensation for any profits derived from use of park resources, but under the alternative preferred by the Park Service, public disclosure of the royalty or other financial terms of these agreements would be optional, not required.

"Our national parks are not corporate laboratories,” said Jeff Ruch, executive director of Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, PEER, a national association of workers in natural resources agencies. PEER is urging the Park Service not to allow commercial development of park resources. "If the Park Service is determined to walk this treacherous path, it needs to do so in the light of day without deals cloaked in proprietary secrecy," Ruch said.

Several thousand scientists conduct studies each year involving national park research specimens. The commercial use or sale of research specimens themselves is prohibited by regulation, but the commercial use of knowledge derived from specimens through research is not prohibited.

Currently, the Park Service does not negotiate benefits-sharing agreements. This would remain the case under Alternative A, the no action alternative. The Park Service would continue to issue research permits, and research specimens would continue to be usable for approved research purposes - including activities that might lead to discoveries that could be useful for health care, nutrition, agriculture, environmental management, industrial, or other processes with potential commercial or other economic value.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.