英基改米市面流通 環保團體批政府未公開資訊 | 環境資訊中心

英基改米市面流通 環保團體批政府未公開資訊


基因改造米(圖片來源:ENS)英國食品標準局(UK Food Standard Agency) 在未證實基因改造米對人體健康有危害之前,同意其持續在英國境內的主要連鎖超市銷售,英國高等法院法官做出裁定,此舉並不違法。

環保組織地球之友(Friends of the Earth)所要求的司法審查報告中,法官的確認為英國食品標準局有多個疏漏之處,包括決定不發布食品警訊,以及延遲提供地方當局此一消息等。但法官在22日的判決中表示,像英國食品標準局之類的政府機關,犯錯而不受法律制裁應是被允許的。

英國食品標準局准許這批基因改造米在市面上的流通,並未要求下架,環保團體聲稱此為違法行為。地球之友的基因改造運動者奧克斯博羅(Clare Oxborrow)表示,「這種種的錯誤顯示,米製產品已遭受非法基改成份污染,但地方政府、社會大眾以及零售業者並未得到相關的訊息。」

High Court: UK Food Standards Agency Made GM Rice Mistakes
LONDON, UK, February 27, 2007 (ENS)

A High Court Judge has ruled that the UK Food Standards Agency did not act unlawfully by allowing genetically modified rice unapproved for human consumption to remain on the shelves of major grocery chains across Great Britain.

In a judicial review requested by Friends of the Earth, the judge did fault the agency for a number of mistakes, including its decision not to issue a food alert and the late provision of advice to local authorities. In his ruling Thursday, the judge also said that public authorities such as the Food Standards Agency should be allowed to make mistakes without attracting legal sanction.

The environmental group claimed the agency acted illegally by allowing long grain rice mixed with Bayer CropScience's LLRICE601, also known as Liberty Link® rice, to be sold instead of ordering stores to remove it. Friends of the Earth GM Campaigner Clare Oxborrow said, "These mistakes meant that local authorities, the public and retailers were not given information about which rice products were found to be contaminated with illegal GM ingredients."


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.