國際婦女日納入氣候變遷議題 | 環境資訊中心



IUCN主席馬湯麗菲(Julia Marton-Lefevre)(圖片來源:IUCN)世界最大的保育組織世界自然保育聯盟(IUCN),8日在國際婦女日的年度慶祝會當中,加入新的議題。這是IUCN第一次將性別平等帶入對抗全球暖化的行動之中。

全球在國際婦女日當天舉行各種活動,焦點在停止對婦女和女童的暴力行為,並且表揚對人類福祉和環保有貢獻的女性。IUCN總幹事瑪騰烈福(Julia Marton-Lefevre)表示,「如果我們要成功處理當前最重要的環境和社會議題之一——氣候變遷的話,我們必須加入性別的觀點。」當環境發生急遽變遷或自然災害降臨,貧窮、沒有土地卻負責家人三餐、健康和安全的女性,遭受到的威脅是最大的。

IUCN 8日推崇23位女性於對抗全球暖化的傑出努力。她們來自澳洲、中國、喀麥隆、加拿大、斐濟、德國、印度、墨西哥、荷蘭、紐西蘭、巴基斯坦、蘇丹、瑞典、吐瓦魯和美國;這些女性參與科學研究、社會運動、社區發展、政治、法律和教育相關的事務。她們皆致力幫助地球和人類社群,從環境破壞、貧窮和全球暖化的束縛中,獲得解脫。

Climate Change Dimension Added to International Women's Day
GLAND, Switzerland, March 8, 2007 ENS

The world's largest conservation organization added a new component today to the annual celebration of International Women Day. For the first time, IUCN-The World Conservation Union is incorporating gender equality into the battle against global warming.

Around the world International Women Day was marked with events focused on ending violence against women and girls and recognizing the contributions of females to human well-being and environmental protection. IUCN Director General Julia Marton-Lefevre said, "If we are to be successful in addressing one of the most challenging environmental and social issues of our time – climate change – we must incorporate a gender perspective in this work." When swift environmental changes and natural disasters come along, she pointed out, it is the women who are poor and landless yet responsible for food production, health and safety of their families and communities are the most vulnerable.

The IUCN today recognized 23 women for their outstanding efforts to combat global warming. From Australia, China, Cameroon, Canada, Fiji, Germany, India, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Sudan, Sweden, Tuvalu, and the United States, these women are scientists, activists, community developers, politicians, lawyers, and educators. They have in common a dedication to releasing the planet and the human community from the bonds of environmental degradation, poverty and global warming.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.