無視「川普退巴」 美十州八城市宣示續留巴黎協定 | 環境資訊中心

無視「川普退巴」 美十州八城市宣示續留巴黎協定


美國總統川普雖然宣布退出巴黎協定,美國州、城市和海外地方政府各自發展氣候行動填補美國的空缺。加州州長布朗(Jerry Brown)、紐約州州長古莫(Andrew Cuomo)、華盛頓州州長英斯禮(Jay Inslee)6月1日宣布組成「美國氣候聯盟」,聯盟成員包括十個州和八個城市,共佔美國近1/3人口和GDP。




國際能源署(International Energy Agency,IEA)稱中國是「實至名歸的再生能源龍頭」。IEA上個月的報告預測,2021年時,全世界超過1/3的太陽能和風力發電將位於中國。






此外,全美187個市長組成的市長國家氣候行動議程(Mayors National Climate Action Agenda)加入了十位州長譴責川普退出巴黎氣候協定的行列,自行續留巴黎協定。

States, Cities Intensify Climate Protection Efforts
SACRAMENTO, California, June 4, 2017 (ENS)

As President Donald Trump pulls the United States out of the UN’s Paris Agreement on Climate, U.S. states and cities and subnational jurisdictions on six continents are filling the void with their own protective climate actions.

On June 1, California Governor Jerry Brown, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and Washington State Governor Jay Inslee announced the formation of the United States Climate Alliance, a bipartisan coalition of U.S. states committed to upholding the Paris Agreement and taking aggressive action on climate change.

Ten U.S. states and eight U.S. cities that together account for nearly one-third of America’s population and GDP have pledged to achieve the U.S. Paris Agreement goal of reducing emissions 26 to 28 percent from 2005 levels by 2025.

The United States Climate Alliance also pledged to meet or exceed the cuts in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from electricity generation under the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan, which has been rejected by Trump.

To extend the activities of subnational governments like California, Governor Jerry Brown is spending a week in China to expand his state’s close climate ties with that country and reaffirm California’s commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Throughout the trip, Governor Brown will meet with high-level regional and national government officials, including leaders from China’s Ministry of Science and Technology and China’s Ministry of Commerce, and sign agreements to strengthen bilateral cooperation on climate action and clean energy and technology.

The International Energy Agency calls China “the undisputable global leader of renewable energy expansion worldwide.” In a report last month, the IEA forecast that by 2021, more than one-third of global cumulative solar photovoltaics and onshore wind capacity will be located in China.

Governor Brown today met with top Sichuan Province officials in Chengdu and signed a new sister-state agreement focused on broadening cooperation on low-carbon technologies, environmental protection and clean energy development.

The pact aims to bolster clean technology innovation and financing through the establishment of the California-Sichuan Clean Tech Innovation Center in Chengdu’s Tianfu New Area and development of a California-China Clean Technology Partnership Fund.

The agreement also provides incubator space and market access for California clean energy and technology companies in Sichuan.

On Monday, the California governor will speak at the International Summit on New Environment Protection Technology in Nanjing, the capital of Jiangsu Province, and sign a clean technology agreement with provincial officials, to build greater regional climate collaboration and action.

In Beijing later this week, Governor Brown will host the Under2 Clean Energy Forum with China’s Ministry of Science and Technology and participate in events associated with the Clean Energy Ministerial, an annual meeting of national energy ministers and other high-level delegates from nearly two dozen countries.

The Under2 Clean Energy Forum expands on the Clean Energy Ministerial by gathering members of the Under2 Coalition – leaders of cities, provinces and states, businesses and NGOs around the world – to drive subnational and non-state action to decarbonize the economy and curb climate change.

Under2 refers to the Paris Agreement’s stated goal of limiting climate warming to under 2°Celsius as compared with pre-industrial temperatures, the level of potentially catastrophic consequences.

After just two years in existence, the Under2 coalition now includes 170 jurisdictions on six continents.

These coalition members collectively represent more than 1.18 billion people and US$27.5 trillion GDP – equivalent to 16 percent of the global population and 37 percent of the global economy.

Among the Under2 Coalition members are 10 U.S. states and eight U.S. cities that together account for nearly one-third of America’s population and GDP.

The 10 U.S. state members are: California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington.

The U.S. city members are: Austin, Los Angeles, New York City, Oakland, Portland, Sacramento, San Francisco and Seattle.

The Mayors National Climate Action Agenda, a group of 187 mayors from across the country, have joined the 10 governors in denouncing President Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from the landmark Paris Climate Accord.

They have adopted the historic Paris Agreement of their own accord.

※ 全文及圖片詳見:ENS


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.


