石油與天然氣擴大鑽採 狩獵魚釣人士憂心 | 環境資訊中心

石油與天然氣擴大鑽採 狩獵魚釣人士憂心


騾(Muledeer)是美國西部狩獵人士的目標之一。(圖片來源: FWS)提倡狩獵與漁獵的人士27日向美國國會資源委員會表示,布希政府擴大開採西方公有地的石油與天然氣,此舉對於魚類與野生動物有負面的影響。希歐多爾‧羅斯福保育夥伴組織(the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership)董事會成員之一史貝若(Rollin Sparrowe)表示,在聯邦政府機構與工業團體的眼裡,魚類與野生動物被視為發展能源的「阻礙」。



Energy Boom Worries Hunters and Anglers
WASHINGTON, DC, March 27, 2007 (ENS)

The Bush administration's expansion of oil and gas drilling on Western public lands is having adverse impacts on fish and wildlife, hunting and fishing advocates told the House Resources Committee today. Fish and wildlife are treated as an "impediment" to energy development by federal agencies and industry groups, said Rollin Sparrowe, a board member of the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership.

The complaints by hunting and fishing interests, including representatives of two union groups, came in the wake of a series of regulatory efforts by the Bush administration to streamline the environmental review and approval of drilling permits for federal lands. Industry groups have long argued for the revisions to reduce the red-tape and litigation that can delay drilling, but critics contend the changes have gone too far and elevated oil and gas drilling above all other interests.

The government is involved in a "shotgun approach to leasing," Sparrowe told the committee, and is failing to adequately study the impacts to fish and wildlife before approving permits for drilling and putting few constraints on the scope and pace of development.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.