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Wolves at Risk!

Bush Administration Plan Puts Gray Wolves in the Crosshairs

The Bush Administration wants to strip Greater Yellowstone's wolves of federal protection, paving the way for the mass killing of wolves in the northern Rockies.

The administration is accepting public comments on this disastrous proposal only until May 9. Please register your opposition right now by clicking here to submit an Official Citizen Comment.

Removing wolves from the endangered species list would put them at the mercy of Wyoming and Idaho, which are already plotting to kill off half their wolves. The governor of Idaho himself has pledged to be one of the first to shoot a wolf!

Wyoming is seeking federal approval for a plan that would classify wolves as "predators." Predator status would allow anyone to shoot a wolf anywhere at anytime, virtually ensuring that the wolf population dwindles to the absolute minimum number allowed by law.

Rampant oil and gas development, logging and other threats are taking a mounting toll on the western wildlands that wolves depend on for survival. More than ever, wolves need tough federal safeguards against hunting and habitat loss.

The wolf's remarkable comeback from the brink of extinction in Greater Yellowstone is one of America's greatest environmental success stories. Don't let the Bush Administration destroy that success!

Send your Official Citizen Comment today and tell the Bush Administration not to abandon the wolf!
