南美森林大火產生一氧化碳 隨氣流飄向澳洲 | 環境資訊中心

南美森林大火產生一氧化碳 隨氣流飄向澳洲



藉由歐洲太空總署(European Space Agency)名為Envisat的環境監測衛星所得到的資料,荷蘭科學家見證大量排放的一氧化碳籠罩了南方大陸。科學家們觀測到一氧化碳逐漸集中到澳洲中部,一個不會發生森林大火的沙漠地區。


除了一氧化碳之外,還有無數化合物的散發,對空氣品質與氣候產生影響。荷蘭太空研究所(SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research)葛勞德門(Annemieke Gloudemans)表示,「我們最初假設一氧化碳的產生肇因於澳洲北部的森林大火,然而在我們更仔細觀測一氧化碳的流動狀態後得出結論,南美是澳洲一氧化碳的主要來源地。」

Carbon Monoxide from South American Fires Blows to Australia
UTRECHT, The Netherlands, May 8, 2007 (ENS)

Much of the carbon monoxide hovering over Australia during wildfire season originated from South American wildfires some 13,000 kilometers (8,000 miles) away, scientists have determined, using satellite data. Knowledge about the global distribution of carbon monoxide is important because it affects air quality and climate.

Using data from an instrument aboard the European Space Agency’s environmental satellite Envisat, Dutch scientists witnessed large quantities of released carbon monoxide above the southern continents. They saw increased concentrations of carbon monoxide above Central Australia, a desert region that is not prone to forest fires.

Plumes of carbon monoxide signal biomass, such as trees or grass, on fire. In the southern hemisphere, incineration of biomass is the biggest source of carbon monoxide in the lower layers of the atmosphere.

And apart from carbon monoxide, numerous other compounds are emitted that have consequences for air quality and climate. "Initially we assumed that the wildfires in North Australia were responsible for this," said Annemieke Gloudemans from SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research. "Yet when we took a closer look at the transport of carbon monoxide, we had to conclude that the majority originated from fires in South America," Gloudemans said.

全文及圖片詳見 ENS報導


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.