2007難寧靜 預計出現5個超級颶風 | 環境資訊中心

2007難寧靜 預計出現5個超級颶風



大西洋在颶風季節中平均會產生11個風暴,其中約6個會轉變成颶風等級,並有2個屬於超級颶風。NOAA主管勞滕巴赫爾(Conrad Lautenbacher)指出,署內科學家們依海面溫度變化預測,2007年颶風季中,大西洋將可能出現13至17不等的風暴,其中10個將發展成颶風,而有3到5個颶風的威力恐怕達到3級以上。



Up to Five Major Atlantic Hurricanes Forecast for 2007
WASHINGTON, DC, May 23, 2007 (ENS)

Sea surface temperatures in the Pacific Ocean are cooling while Atlantic temperatures are warming. Hurricane experts at the Climate Prediction Center operated by NOAA, said Tuesday there is a 75 percent chance that the Atlantic hurricane season will be above normal this year.

"For the 2007 Atlantic hurricane season, NOAA scientists predict 13 to 17 named storms, with seven to 10 becoming hurricanes, of which three to five could become major hurricanes of Category 3 strength or higher," said NOAA Administrator Conrad Lautenbacher. An average Atlantic hurricane season brings 11 named storms, with six becoming hurricanes, including two major hurricanes.

Climate patterns responsible for the expected 2007 hurricane activity continue to be the ongoing multi-decadal signal - the set of ocean and atmospheric conditions that spawn increased Atlantic hurricane activity, as well as warmer than normal sea surface temperatures in the Atlantic Ocean, and the El Niño/La Niña cycle in the Pacific.

Historically, the next couple of months are a critical time period for the possible emergence of La Niña. The Climate Prediction Center is indicating that La Niña could form in the next one to three months. If La Niña develops, storm activity will likely be in the upper end of the predicted range, but even if La Niña does not develop, the conditions associated with the ongoing active hurricane era still favor an above-normal season.

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