讓海中金絲雀的美妙歌聲持續繚繞:搶救最後的白鯨! | 環境資訊中心


發起者:NRDC Action Fund

生活在庫克灣的白鯨情況危殆,亟需你我的連署參與。(照片來源: McGill University)要求布希政府保護最後生存在阿拉斯加庫克灣的300頭白鯨



Tell the Bush Administration to Protect the Last 300 Beluga Whales in Alaska's Cook Inlet!

There are only 300 beluga whales left in Alaska's Cook Inlet -- a 77 percent decline from the 1,300 whales that thrived there in the early 1980's. Now that these whales are on the brink of extinction, the National Marine Fisheries Service is finally proposing to protect them as an endangered species.

But industry groups -- backed by all three members of Alaska's congressional delegation -- are opposed to the whale's protection.

Send your Official Citizen Comment urging the Bush Administration to give these whales a fighting chance by protecting them as endangered and designating their critical habitat.
