代表200萬民眾的英國環境組織聯盟「計畫災難」(Planning Disaster),7月9日向倫敦都市計畫處申請在聖保羅大教堂興建垃圾焚化爐。
An application to build a waste incinerator on the site of London's beloved St. Paul's Cathedral was delivered to the Corporation of London's Planning Office on Monday. The application was made by Planning Disaster, a coalition of British environmental organizations representing more than two million people.
The application was withdrawn on Tuesday. Its sole purpose was to make the point that the public's right to have a say on major new developments is under threat from government proposals to reform the planning system.
The government is proposing to change the planning system to speed up major developments – such as power stations. New developments as large as nuclear power stations and airport runways could soon be forced through without public input as part of a major overhaul of planning.
Plans for the overhaul are detailed in a White Paper published May 21 by the government of former Prime Minister Tony Blair.
"Today, the public can still have the right to object to barmy planning applications which could damage our environment or our communities - such as the application we made to build an incinerator on the site of St Paul's Cathedral," said Owen Espley, coordinator of Planning Disaster. "If the Planning White Paper goes ahead in its current form, the public will effectively lose their right to a say," he warned.
Proposals in the Government's White Paper would remove the public's democratic right to challenge projects at public inquiry. Planning decisions would be taken out of the hands of accountable politicians and handed over to an unelected, unaccountable new body called the Infrastructure Planning Commission.
"We are asking people to act now at www.planningdisaster.co.uk or lose their voice on what happens in their area," Espley urged.
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