上述面臨重新檢視的決策,均是由前任負責魚類、野生物與公園事務的副助理部長麥當諾(Julie MacDonald)所負責,她在一片醜聞疑雲當中於4月30日去職。
因此,在今年5月9日召開國會委員上,新任副助理部長史卡雷特(Lynn Scarlett)曾承諾,將重新檢視麥當諾不當介入的瀕危物種行動。
Eight decisions made by a disgraced Bush administration official under the Endangered Species Act could be reversed after questions were raised about the integrity of the science used and whether the decisions were made illegally, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said today.
The decisions in question were overseen by former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks Julie MacDonald, who resigned April 30 under a cloud of scandal.
Her resignation followed a Department of the Interior Inspector General's report in March finding that MacDonald violated federal ethics rules by leaking sensitive government documents to industry lobbyists, browbeating U.S. Fish and Wildlife scientists, and illegally overturning scientific recommendations to squelch protections for endangered species.
Deputy Secretary of the Interior Lynn Scarlett promised a Congressional committee on May 9 that she would review endangered species actions that MacDonald may have inappropriately influenced.
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