加拿大削減預算 野生物保育計畫堪憂 | 環境資訊中心

加拿大削減預算 野生物保育計畫堪憂


美洲伶狐被列入聯邦瀕臨絕種動物名單內 (照片作者 : W. Lynch / 來源提供: Parks Canada) 根據一份由《環球郵報》(The Globe and Mail)取得的內閣文件,加拿大政府已決定削減80%該國環境署投入氣候變遷計畫的開銷,並有意降低40%其他部門擬用於氣候變遷計畫的預算。此外,環保團體表示,聯邦政府部門的野生生物保育計畫也慘遭凍結。

儘管如此,由總理哈波(Stephen Harper)領軍的保守黨政府,對於此次削減預算的行動仍未致一詞。

「原先以為削減預算只是謠言」,加拿大野生生物聯盟(Canadian Wildlife Federation)計畫暨通訊執行長保加納(Sandy Baumgartner)說,「但如今我已透過受到波及的人證實確有此事。這使部門每個單位都受到了影響。」



Environment Canada Budget for Wildlife, Climate Stripped Away
OTTAWA, Ontario, Canada, September 20, 2007 (ENS)

The Canadian government has decided to cut spending on Environment Canada programs that address climate change by 80 percent, and wants cuts of 40 percent in the budgets devoted to climate change at other ministries, according to cabinet documents obtained by "The Globe and Mail." In addition, wildlife programs and services within the federal department have been completely frozen, environmental groups say.

As yet, there has been no official statement from any level of Stephen Harper's Conservative Government on the budget cuts.

"Initially the cuts were perceived as rumor," said Sandy Baumgartner, executive director of programs and communications for the 300,000 member Canadian Wildlife Federation. "But I have now had confirmation from individuals in the department who have been impacted by it. The cuts are affecting every section of the department."

“If it is true, as reports suggest, that the Conservative government is funding climate change programs by taking funds from programs that protect endangered species, fund scientific research, and the migratory birds program, it is appalling,” said McGuinty.

"The Migratory Bird Program, which monitors the health of bird populations, has seen its budget cut by 50 percent;" he said, "and the budget for the National Wildlife Areas, a program that protects nationally significant habitats for wildlife and birds, has been slashed from $1.9 million to zero."



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.