澳洲大選在即 主要政黨環境政策差 | 環境資訊中心

澳洲大選在即 主要政黨環境政策差


2006年 聯邦水資源高峰會議,由左而右分別為環保部長 Malcolm Turnbull、總理John Howard及其它部會首長。圖片來源:ENS根據澳洲保育基金會( Australian Conservation Foundation )針對該國各主要政黨之氣候與環境政策的初步評估顯示,自由黨及工黨得到的評比均低於50個百分比。

此份由澳洲最大環保團體彙編而成的環境評比,是以氣候變遷、水資源及環境作為評估標準,而其評比對象包括自由與國家聯合黨、工黨、綠黨、民主黨及家庭第一黨(Family First)。

澳洲保育基金會執行長亨利(Don Henry)表示,「相對於聯合黨,工黨已承諾通過京都議定書的協定,整體來說,大部分的主要政黨都未能達到氣候變遷及環境政策的評估標準。」



Australia Votes: Scorecard Fails Major Parties on Environment
SYDNEY, Australia, October 17, 2007 (ENS)

The Australian Conservation Foundation's first assessment of the main political parties' climate and environment policies gives both Liberal and Labor a score below 50 percent.

The scorecard compiled by Australia's largest environmental group rates the policies of the Liberal/National Coalition, Labor, the Greens, the Democrats and Family First on climate change, water and the environment.

"While Labor has committed to ratify the Kyoto Protocol and the Coalition hasn't, in total the major parties are failing on climate change and the environment," said Australian Conservation Foundation Executive Director Don Henry.

"Modest or weak climate change policies, a poor performance on forests and a lack of action on water and sustainable cities means both major parties have low scores.

"We are hearing a lot of talk and not seeing enough action on climate change from both major parties. The Greens and Democrats are scoring well, while Family First's scores are poor," he said.

"All parties and candidates should be in no doubt climate change will be a huge consideration when Australians vote on November 24," said Henry.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.