The European Commission Friday adopted new implementing legislation setting maximum levels for the sum of dioxins and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in food and feed. Dioxins and PCBs are toxic chemicals that can cause serious health effects such as cancer, hormone disruption, reduced ability to reproduce, skin toxicity and immune system disorders.
The new legislation is designed to prevent dioxins and PCBs from entering the food supply as happened in Belgium and the Netherlands late last month, when dioxin was found in pig and poultry feed used by hundreds of farms.
The reduction of persistent chemicals such as dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs in the food chain is an important part of ensuring the health and safety of EU consumers. Dioxins and PCBs have toxic properties which can provoke a series of health problems, including cancer, immune and nervous system disorders, liver damage and sterility.
Food and feed operators have primary responsibility for ensuring that the maximum levels are complied with, while member state authorities must carry out checks and report to the Commission on their findings.
All operators in the food and feed chain must do everything necessary to limit the presence of dioxins and PCBs in the feed and food chain. This could include reviewing processing, drying and other chemical based techniques, or using decontamination techniques to remove dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs where possible.