野生天鵝死亡 英國爆發禽流感疫情 | 環境資訊中心

野生天鵝死亡 英國爆發禽流感疫情

摘譯自2007年1月10日ENS 英國,倫敦報導;楊佳珊編譯;蔡麗伶審校

英國Abbotsbury一家天鵝飼養池。 圖片來源:ENS英國環境官員11日根據獸醫實驗研究所在多塞特.切西爾海灘區發現的3隻死天鵝上檢測出禽流感陽性反應,證實野生天鵝身上帶有致命的H5N1禽流感病毒。

獸醫處代理處長藍德格(Fred Landeg)表示,已依據鳥類學專家的建議範圍,在爆發地點周圍設立野生禽鳥保護區及監控區,而在該區域內,所有畜養禽鳥者必須將禽鳥留在室內,或是將他們與野生鳥類隔離,同時也限制禽鳥的活動範圍並禁止他們群聚在一起。


禽流感事件的相關消息已通知給所有在英國家禽協會(Great Britain Poultry)登記的蓄養家禽者及歐盟委員會。此外,英國環境、食品與鄉村事務部(DEFRA)與鳥類學及其他專家互動頻繁,集思廣益以期能找出更加全面性的應對辦法。


Wild Swans in Britain Found Dead of Bird Flu
LONDON, UK, January 10, 2008 (ENS)

British environment officials today confirmed avian influenza in three dead wild mute swans in the Chesil Beach area in Dorset, following positive test results from the Veterinary Laboratories Agency for the highly pathogenic H5N1 strain of the virus.

Acting Chief Veterinary Officer Fred Landeg said, A wild bird control area and a monitoring area are being established around the premises, and the shape of these is based on expert ornithological advice.

Inside these areas, bird keepers are required to house their birds or otherwise isolate them from contact with wild birds, bird movements will be restricted, and bird gatherings are banned.

No disease has been found in domestic birds, and surveillance of the local wild bird population is underway. There will be no culling of wild birds because such action may disperse birds further and would not aid control, Landeg said.

All poultry keepers on the Great Britain Poultry Register are being notified, and the European Commission has been informed. Defra is also working closely with ornithological and other experts to consider what wider measures may be needed.

Surveillance programs for avian influenza are carried out in wild birds and on poultry holdings throughout the European Union. The Commission says control measures are in place to prevent the spread of infection to poultry and to rapidly control the disease when outbreaks occur.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.