盧安達設立國家公園 保護森林大猩猩 | 環境資訊中心

盧安達設立國家公園 保護森林大猩猩




(圖中)類人猿基金會暨地球公園創始人泰德(Ted Townsend)繼十年前爆發的內戰與集體屠殺事件後,讓難民得以在當地定居,但相對的森林面積也因此迅速消退,此外,放牧與農耕不僅導致水品質降低、土壤流失、水患、土石流等問題,且由於原本完整的森林破碎成許多小面積,因而隔絕了大猩猩的分佈範圍。


盧安達總統保羅卡加美(Paul Kagame)及類人猿基金會暨地球公園創始人泰德(Ted Townsend)在柯林頓全球會議中發表了此項國家保育公園計劃,保羅表示,為期共10年的計畫中,將設立國家保育公園、森林復育研究中心及大猩猩保育計劃。

Chimpanzees Key to Iowa-Rwanda Forest Restoration Plan
DES MOINES, Iowa, January 17, 2008 (ENS)

Two Iowa organizations have partnered with the government of Rwanda to create the Rwanda National Conservation Park on land that used to be one of the largest forests in the country.

The Rwandan government, Great Ape Trust of Iowa and Earthpark Monday announced that the Gishwati Forest Reserve in Rwanda's Western Province is the future site of the conservation park and chimpanzee field study area.

Extensive deforestation occurred in this area when refugees were allowed to resettle following the civil war and genocide a decade ago. Grazing and farming have degraded water quality and caused soil erosion, flooding, and landslides - as well as the isolation of a small population of chimpanzees.

The restoration and ecological research effort will focus on reestablishing a self-sustaining population of chimpanzees in the forest as an international model for biodiversity restoration.

The national conservation park project was unveiled at the Clinton Global Initiative by Rwanda President Paul Kagame and Ted Townsend, the founder of Great Ape Trust and Earthpark. President Kagame said the joint 10 year program would develop both a national conservation park and a field station for reforestation and conservation of great apes.

全文詳見 :ENS


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.