2008年「老鷹節」將於1月19、20日早上9點到下午3點,在橫跨密西西比河、連貫麥迪遜及伊利諾州的舊岩石大橋(Old Chain of Rocks Bridge)舉行,橋上所及的視野將能讓賞鳥者有機會一賭野鳥在大自然中生存的真實樣貌,此外,老鷹節當日節目流程包括了現場賞鷹、展覽、各式活動、影片欣賞及茶點供應等。
People along the Missisippi, Missouri and Illinois rivers and their tributaries from Wisconsin to Tennessee eagerly await the appearance of thousands of bald eagles each winter. This month their patience is being rewarded. About 2,300 bald eagles winter in Wisconsin, about 2,200 in Missouri and at least 3,100 in southern Illinois.
In Canada and the Great Lakes region bodies of water freeze, which makes it difficult for eagles to catch fish. The birds fly south looking for open water, following the rivers as they migrate between late December and early February. They stay in an area as long as the water remains open, and if the weather is not too cold, they may stay until mid-March.
The 2008 Eagle Days are scheduled for January 19 and 20 from 9 am to 3 pm at the Old Chain of Rocks Bridge over the Mississippi in Madison, Illinois.
Spotting scopes along the bridge will give eagle watchers a chance to see the wild birds in their natural habitat. Events include live eagle programs, exhibits, activities, videos and refreshments on-site or nearby. If the weather warms or remains constant, the eagles may linger there. If the temperature drops, they will continue southward. They roost in large cottonwood, sycamore and other riparian trees. Nesting begins in January, with incubation and rearing of the young taking place from March through mid-May.
The purpose of Eagle Days is two-fold. First, the event gives residents and visitors to the Lake area the opportunity to interact with live bald eagles in close proximity. Also, the program helps raise awareness of the bald eagle and that helps keep them safe and flourishing.