世界氣象組織:將運用人造衛星進行氣候監測計畫 | 環境資訊中心



利用人造衛星進行氣候監測。圖片:ENS全球航太與氣象機構於16日的航太高層會議,對世界氣象組織(World Meteorological Organization)的提案表示支持;此提案是一項國際性的策略行動,未來將佈署數十個全新的人造衛星,用以協助科學家們進一步理解全球暖化議題。


世界氣象組織秘書長亞羅(Michel Jarraud)表示,「為了更精確地監測全球氣候與天氣型態,社會上確實存在進一步發展衛星能力的需求。」

目前全球至少有16個與地球同部旋轉、與低軌道的衛星,不但是全球觀測系統(Global Observing System)的一部分,並提供了地球上氣候與天氣變化的數據。

這些是許多為科學任務設計,或是儀器科技展示的試驗衛星, 2008年將打破以往,預計有17個衛星將對全球觀測系統進行強化的作用。

Dozens of New Satellites Planned to Monitor Climate
GENEVA, Switzerland, January 21, 2008 (ENS)

An international strategy for deployment of dozens of new satellites to help scientists better understand global warming got a boost Wednesday as the world's space and meteorological agencies gave their support to the World Meteorological Organization proposal at a high-level space conference.

Participants in the annual WMO Consultative Meetings on High-level Policy on Satellite Matters expressed readiness to help foster international cooperation towards an enhanced global satellite system for the coming decades.

"There is a major societal need to further develop the capacity of satellites to monitor even more accurately climate and weather," said WMO Secretary-General Michel Jarraud.

At least 16 geostationary and low-Earth orbit satellites currently provide operational data on the planet's climate and weather as part of the Global Observing System.

They are complemented by numerous experimental satellites designed for scientific missions or instrument technology demonstration. A record number of 17 satellites are planned for launch in 2008 to further strengthen the Global Observing System.

全文及圖片詳見 :ENS


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.