英國國際名廚 遊說餐廳使用永續捕撈海產 | 環境資訊中心

英國國際名廚 遊說餐廳使用永續捕撈海產


艾肯斯(Tom Aikens)一群高知名度的廚師30日參加綠色和平組織的新活動,敦促餐館在菜單上只使用永續方式捕撈的海產食材。

布蘭克(Raymond Blanc)及艾肯斯(Tom Aikens)30日晚上在倫敦的老比林斯蓋茲魚市場(Old Billingsgate fish market)正式啟動這項稱為「透過海鮮,看見生命(Seafood, See Life)」的活動。這項活動也獲得另外兩位米其林星級廚師的支持,包括布拉蒙托(Heston Blumenthal)及芬利懷廷史托(Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall)。

這些廚師與綠色和平組織行政主任索芬(John Sauven)一起要求餐飲業成員採購永續海產,並呼籲食譜作者在他們的食譜中摒棄非永續方式捕撈的魚材。

綠色和平組織希望餐廳老闆及廚師們能避免使用過渡漁撈的物種,例如大西洋鱈、鰈魚(plaice)、鮪魚、黑線鱈、無鬚鱈(European hake)、大西洋庸鰈(Atlantic halibut)、多佛鰈魚(Dover sole)、鮟鱇魚(monkfish)、大西洋鮭等,改用來自管理良善漁業的海產,也就是以永續方式漁撈而來的線釣綠鱈(Pollack)、海鱸(seabass)、康沃爾鯖魚(Cornish mackerel,譯註:Cornish是指英國康沃爾郡(Cornwell)地區特有的意思)、康沃爾沙丁魚(Cornish sardines)、海鯡魚(English herring)、以及扇貝、田螺、蛤蜊、牡蠣或淡菜等用手採集而不是拖曳捕撈的海產。

Top chefs to lobby restaurants on sustainable fish
Jessica Aldred, guardian.co.uk, Wednesday January 30 2008

High-profile chefs will today join Greenpeace in a new campaign urging restaurants to use only sustainable seafood on their menus.

Raymond Blanc and Tom Aikens are to launch the Seafood, See Life campaign - which already has the backing of multiple Michelin-starred chefs Heston Blumenthal and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall - at the Old Billingsgate fish market in London tonight.

Along with Greenpeace's executive director, John Sauven, they will ask members of the restaurant industry to choose to serve only sustainable seafood and urge food writers to drop unsustainably caught fish from their recipes.

Greenpeace wants restaurant owners and chefs to avoid using species that are threatened with overfishing, such as Atlantic cod, plaice, tuna, haddock, European hake, Atlantic halibut, Dover sole, monkfish, and Atlantic salmon and instead use seafood from well-managed fisheries that use sustainable fishing practices like line-caught Pollack, seabass and Cornish mackerel, Cornish sardines, English herring, and scallops, winkles, clams, oysters or mussels that have been hand-gathered rather than dredged.

參考資料:Guardian News and Media


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.