為了慶祝發現加拉巴哥群島500週年,厄瓜多爾的總統葛雷亞(Rafael Correa)於18日宣佈,2015年加拉巴哥群島將完全停止使用石油。
這項行動是由聖克力托保風力計畫(San Cristobal Wind Project)所領軍,該計畫在聖克力托保島鄰近El Progresso鎮設立了3座風力發電機。
這座風力發電廠座落於曾發生加拉巴哥群島史上最嚴重的原油外洩的島上,這次事件起因於2001年1月16日1艘名為「潔西卡」的油輪擱淺於Puerto Baquerizo Moreno的港口入口。
此計畫的領導人羅菲曼(Paul Loeffelman)表示,為了解決財務和環境的疑慮,這項長時間的研究其實起源於對加拉巴哥海燕的觀察研究,加拉巴哥海燕是一種棲息在數個鄰近小島的海鳥,是6種加拉巴哥群島所產的海鳥之一,長尾的加拉巴哥海燕是被世界自然保育聯盟(IUCN)列為極度瀕臨絕種的動物。
因為用風力取代柴油發電,此計畫可以獲得減排認證額度,根據EOLICSA公司計畫經理人文特米拉(Luis Vintimilla)表示,成立該公司即是為了經營這個計畫,要以風力取代加拉巴哥所有的柴油發電是不可能的,他表示「然而,未來的計畫建議可以將目前使用的柴油改換為更環保的燃料。」
To celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Galapagos' Islands discovery, Ecuador's President Rafael Correa Monday launched a program to end the use of fossil fuels on the Galapagos by 2015.
The initiative is led by the San Cristobal Wind Project, which erected three wind turbines near the town of El Progresso on San Cristobal Island.
The wind farm is on the island that suffered the worst oil spill in the history of the Galapagos - the spill resulting from the grounding of the tanker "Jessica" at the entrance to the harbor at Puerto Baquerizo Moreno on January 16, 2001.
The turbines are generating 2.4 megawatts of power, enough to halve the island's diesel fuel imports and pave the way for further renewable energy development to supply the 30,000 residents of the Galapagos archipelago's five inhabited islands.
The turbines started supplying power to San Cristobal last October. Project partners will formally dedicate the wind turbines at a celebration in the Galapagos on March 18.
The system will meet 60 to 80 percent of electrical demand during the windy months of October, November and December.
The San Cristobal Wind Project is an international partnership between the government of Ecuador, the United Nations Development Program and nine of the world's largest electricity companies from G8 countries - known as the e8.
The project's primary objectives are to reduce the risk of oil spills associated with the transport and delivery of fuel to the island; reduce air pollution and greenhouse gases caused by burning fossil fuels; and contribute to the protection of the region's unique biodiversity.
On a larger scale, the project is an example of multilateral collaboration for climate change mitigation and a showcase for the global promotion of small-scale renewable energy power generation and distribution systems in remote areas.
AEP project team leader Paul Loeffelman says the lengthy feasibility study undertaken to address institutional, financial and environmental questions resulted from of monitoring and studies of the Galapagos petrel, a sea bird that nests on several of the islands. One of the six endemic marine birds of the Galapagos archipelago, the long-winged Galapagos petrel is listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN-World Conservation Union.
A Bird Review committee concluded that although the turbines presented no major threat to the survival of the petrel, some of the birds were being killed when they flew into transmission lines. The committee also called for a rat control program and a long-term study of petrel flight patterns to determine whether the turbines can operate at night during the nesting season without negative impacts.
The project will receive certified emission reduction credits for the diesel electricity generation replaced by the wind turbines. According to project manager Luis Vintimilla of EOLICSA, the company established to operate the project, it is not possible to replace all diesel generation on the Galapagos with wind power. He said,”However, it is recommended that future work be done on projects to substitute the diesel currently used with a more environmentally friendly fuel."