世界銀行檢舉人保護政策被公開 | 環境資訊中心



民間團體「政府職責促進會」(Government Accountability Project, GAP)10日揭露了世界銀行的檢舉人保護政策。由世界銀行所委託,以改進其檢舉人保護政策的《馮恩報告書》(Vaughn Report),自2005年4月底完稿後的過去九個月中,世界銀行拒絕公開發表這份文件、也不願就報告書內容諮詢職員意見、或接受任何專家的協助來執行報告書內容。


Hidden World Bank Whistleblower Report Made Public
WASHINGTON, DC, February 10, 2006 (ENS)
The Government Accountability Project (GAP) today released the Vaughn Report, commissioned by the World Bank as a guide to modernize the Bank's whistleblower protection policies. In the nine months since the Vaughn report was released on April 30, 2005, the World Bank has refused to publicly release the report, consult staff on Vaughn's recommendations, or accept any offers from experts to help implement Vaughn's analysis.