生物多樣性保育 逐漸成為全球產業獲利來源 | 環境資訊中心

生物多樣性保育 逐漸成為全球產業獲利來源


生物搜尋隊正在哥欺大黎加的雨林中探險 。圖片來源:IDRC由全球最具規模的保育組織和石化公司合作的研究報告發現,當全球開始警覺到生物多樣性流失加速的同時,企業界已開始將「生物多樣性保育」視為具獲利潛力的事業。





旅客參訪南非的Kruger國家公園。圖片來源:South African Tourism但生態旅遊評論家也警告,大量人潮侵入野生棲地,將可能對野生動物的生殖力和存活率帶來不利的影響。



Making Biodiversity Conservation Pay Off
GLAND, Switzerland, March 31, 2008 (ENS)

As the world wakes up to the accelerating loss of biological diversity, businesses are increasingly viewing biodiversity conservation as a potential profit center, says a new collaborative report from one of the world's largest conservation organizations and one of the world's largest international oil, gas and chemicals companies.

Issued Thursday, the report from the IUCN-International Union for Conservation of Nature and Shell International Ltd. calls for policy reforms to increase the commercial rewards for conserving biodiversity.

One biodiversity business that is growing quickly is bioprospecting, the search for new compounds, genes and organisms in the wild. The report suggests the sector could be worth as much as US$500 million by 2050.

Titled "Building Biodiversity Business," the report says some businesses that were historically responsible for the loss of biodiversity now are starting to lead the way by protecting biodiversity.

For instance, markets for organic agriculture and sustainably-harvested timber are growing at double-digit rates.

And there is an increasing demand for climate mitigation services, such as the protection of forests and wetlands to absorb carbon dioxide, the report finds.

Ecotourism is one obvious example of how money can be made from looking after species and their habitats. Worldwide, environmentally-friendly tourism is expanding at a rate of 20 to 30 percent annually, compared with a nine percent expansion rate for tourism as a whole.

Critics of ecotourism warn that the intrusion of large numbers of people into wild habitats can adversely influence the reproductive success and survival of the affected wildlife.

A key challenge facing all biodiversity businesses is the lack of accepted indicators to measure positive and negative contributions to biodiversity conservation, the report finds.

An increasing number of companies see a business advantage in developing processes to integrate biodiversity into their operations, as well as seeking market-based solutions and opportunities.

The organization maintains the Red List of Threatened Species and helps the world find pragmatic solutions to environment and development challenges by conducting environmental diplomatic relations, supporting scientific research; and managing field projects all over the world.

This work encompasses all types of animal and plant species on the planet; all types of ecosystems - the different types of natural places that exist on Earth; and a wide range of major environmental and sustainable development issues.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.