避免漁網纏死信天翁 印度洋延繩釣船須採取迴避措施 | 環境資訊中心

避免漁網纏死信天翁 印度洋延繩釣船須採取迴避措施


被漁網鉤住的信天翁。圖片來源:New Zealand Dept of Conservation印度洋鮪魚委員會(IOTC,Indian Ocean Tuna Commission)於本月初在阿曼(Omen)首府馬斯開特開會,會中IOTC通過決議,將改進漁業作業方式,儘可能避免意外捕獲(bycatch)生存受威脅的信天翁及海燕等海鳥,即避免漁網意外傷及鳥類。

全球共22種的信天翁都是屬於保育鳥類,而其中有19種面臨著全球性的滅絕危機;據估計,全球每5分鐘就有1隻信天翁死掉。然而,大多數海鳥的死亡都不是漁民有意捕捉造成的──牠們並並不是延繩釣漁船想捕獲 而是因為延繩釣漁業意外,而讓原本不是捕捉目標的信天翁反而被捕捉。


為了防止上述情況,澳洲及歐洲在IOTC年會中共同提出海鳥保育計畫,並獲得日本與韓國的支持。該次會議在馬斯開特香格里拉飯店(Barr Al Jissah Resort and Spa)舉行,共為期5天,已於11日閉幕。

一對野生的信天翁。圖片來源:Australian Dept. of Environment根據IOTC通過的新規定,為減少意外捕獲海鳥的數量,漁船必須採取至少2種以上的迴避措施,才能在南緯30度的南印度洋區域進行延繩漁釣。且每一種捕捉工具的技術規格都已在會議中訂好了,延繩漁釣業者可以從清單中選擇2種他們認為最合適的方式。


Indian Ocean Longliners Must Now Protect Endangered Seabirds
MUSCAT, Oman, June 12, 2008 (ENS)

The Indian Ocean Tuna Commission meeting this week in Muscat has advanced seabird conservation by adopting a measure to minimize the bycatch of vulnerable albatross and petrel species.

All 22 species of albatross are birds of conservation concern and 19 species are facing global extinction. Globally, albatrosses are estimated to be dying at the rate of one every five minutes.

Most of these seabird deaths are not intentional, they are considered the catch of non-target species, or bycatch, in the longline fishing industry.

Surface longlines are suspended about 200 meters beneath the surface and are used to catch tuna and swordfish. Each longline might exceed 100 kilometers (60 miles) in length and carry 3,000 baited hooks. When longlines are paid out from vessels, seabirds attack the baited hooks, get caught or entangled in gear, are drawn underwater and drown.

In Muscat, the seabird proposal was led by Australia and the European Community, and got support from Japan and Korea during the five day meeting at the Shangri-La's Barr Al Jissah Resort and Spa, which concluded Wednesday.

Under the newly adopted regulation, all longline vessels fishing for tuna and swordfish in the southern Indian Ocean, south of 30°S, will be required to use a combination of at least two measures to reduce seabird bycatch.

The fisheries are given flexibility to choose which two measures from this list are most suitable to their fishery. The meeting agreed technical specifications for use of these measures.

Fishing vessel operators can choose to set their hooks at night with minimum deck lighting when birds are less active.

They can choose to use a bird streamer, or tori, line to keep birds away from the hooks, add weight to lines to make them sink more quickly out of reach of the albatrosses, and dye bait blue to make it less visible.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.