聯合國秘書長潘基文(Ban Ki-moon)29日於昔日簽署《京都議定書》的日本京都登高呼籲,國際社會必須展現強烈的決心,在2009年底前達成新協議,確立任何對抗氣候變遷的可能措施。
日本首相福田康夫(Yasuo Fukuda)9日曾於日本記者俱樂部的演說中主張,「為了人類未來新的一代,我們有必要大幅轉動國家的輪舵,朝向低碳社會發展」。「為了達成目標,我們必須在2050年以前,將全球二氧化碳排放量減半。而這項減量目標,正是日本向世界倡議『Cool Earth推進構想』(Cool Earth Programme)的骨幹」。潘基文在對福田康夫宣示的評論中指出,「這正是我們想從已開發國家身上見識的領導風範,勇於承擔和履行肩上沈重的責任與義務」。
The world must galvanize its will and reach a new agreement on measures to fight climate change by the end of 2009, said UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Sunday in the Japanese city where the Kyoto Protocol was finalized.
Ban said he chose Kyoto as his first stop because he wants to "send out a very symbolic political message from the place where the Kyoto Protocol was adopted more than 10 years ago." "We have resources; we have technologies. I think what is missing is largely political will. If we have united political will, I am sure we will be able to overcome these crises," the secretary-general said.
Ban said the 1997 protocol was a historic and crucial first step by the international community to curb greenhouse gas emissions. With the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol ending in 2012, the secretary-general stressed that a new agreement must be adopted by December 2009, a target date already agreed by governments at the UN climate summit in Bali, Indonesia last December.
He said climate change is too big and complex a challenge for any country or sector of society to address alone; each country and each sector can and must contribute. The secretary-general called on all major emitters to set ambitious targets which he said were essential to conclude the deal in 2009.
On June 9, Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda said in a speech at the Japan Press Club, "We must greatly shift the country's helm towards a low-carbon society for the sake of future generations." "For this we must halve global CO2 emissions by the year 2050. This reduction target forms the crux of the 'Cool Earth Programme' which Japan has proposed to the world. I aim to have this goal shared by the G8 and other major economies," the prime minister said. Commenting on this announcement, Ban said, "This is the kind of leadership by example we need from developed countries to fulfil the larger share of responsibility they bear."
The secretary-general said he would count on Japan's leadership at the G-8 summit to come up with concrete measures to address three pressing, interrelated challenges - the global food crisis, climate change, and the race to reach global anti-poverty targets called the Millennium Development Goals by the deadline of 2015.
Climate change was the focus when Ban met Japanese business leaders in Tokyo later in the day. Speaking to about 30 senior executives of leading Japanese corporations, the secretary-general said support and cooperation of the private sector is vitally important to addressing pressing issues such as climate change.