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馬達加斯加一溼地 發現瀕絕狐猴新族群


位於馬達加斯加Ranomafana國家公園中的狐猴。圖片來源:David Thyberg研究人員22日公開證實曾於馬達加斯加一處孤立竹林內,發現大竹狐猴(Prolemur simus)群體的活動,此地雖較過去認知中的原生棲地遠上400公里,卻大幅增加對此嚴重瀕絕物種繁衍的保育希望。

事實上,調查人員早在2007年於馬達加斯加中東部的托羅托羅佛西溼地(Torotorofotsy wetlands)發現大竹狐猴,托羅托羅佛西在「拉姆薩溼地公約」下被定為國際級拉姆薩溼地,且此處特有的狐猴有強力的顎骨,足以啃碎並食用最喜愛的大竹。

「國際保育組織」主席密特邁爾(Russell Mittermeier)表示,「大竹狐猴是獨一無二的稀有物種,在整個靈長類中亦別無亞種,使得牠們在靈長類世界中的物種延續性顯得更加危險,這樣的發現真是何其有幸,讓我們可以幫助狐猴脫離絕種險境。」



在馬達加斯加非政府組織MITSINJO與美國Henry Doorly 動物園合作,以及「瑪可瑪許生物多樣性基金會」(Margot Marsh Biodiversity Foundation)和「國際保育組織」的資助下,總算讓研究人員們找到及定位數隻罕見狐猴,並試著透過身上的無線項圈做進一步勘查。


MITSINJO中負責管理托羅托羅佛西址的道區(Rainer Dolch)指出,「這項發現印證了我們先前的預測。希望藉由這些嚴重瀕絕物種的出現,提供正確的方向進行保育工作,來保護其棲地並延續生命。」


Henry Doorly 動物園遺傳學家路易斯(Edward Louis)表示,「在人們意料之外的地方發現極為稀有大竹狐猴,要比起發現新的狐猴物種,更令人感到興奮」。

密特邁爾指出,這項發現另方面也強調出,「當地住民與舉如MITSINJO的當地組織,以及Henry Doorly 動物園等國際組織之間,相互合作保育的重要性」。

New Group of Endangered Lemurs Found in Madagascar
ARLINGTON, Virginia, July 22, 2008 (ENS)

Researchers in Madagascar have confirmed the existence of a population of greater bamboo lemurs more than 400 kilometers from the only other place where the Critically Endangered species is known to live, raising hopes for its survival.

The discovery of the distinctive lemurs with jaws powerful enough to crack giant bamboo, their favorite food, occurred in 2007 in the Torotorofotsy wetlands of east central Madagascar, which is designated a Ramsar site of international importance under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, but was made public only today.

"The greater bamboo lemur is a unique species and the only member of an entire primate genus, making it probably the most endangered primate genus in the world, so this discovery is a real blessing for our efforts to save it from extinction," said Conservation International President Russell Mittermeier.

There are some 32 different types of lemurs in existence today, all of which are endemic to Madagascar. Lemurs are primates, an order that includes monkeys, apes and humans.

For years, scientists believed but could not prove that greater bamboo lemurs, Prolemur simus, lived in the Torotorofotsy area.

A collaborative effort between the Malagasy nongovernmental organization MITSINJO and the Henry Doorly Zoo in the United States, supported by the Margot Marsh Biodiversity Foundation and Conservation International, resulted in researchers finding and immobilizing several of the rare lemurs to attach radio collars for further monitoring.

The researchers believe there are 30 to 40 greater bamboo lemurs in the Torotorofotsy wetland, which is far to the north of the isolated pockets of bamboo forest where the other known populations of the species live.

"This finding confirmed what we knew before but couldn't prove," said Rainer Dolch of MITSINJO, which manages the Torotorofotsy site. "Our hope is that the presence of these critically threatened creatures will increase efforts to protect their habitat and keep them alive."

Habitat destruction from slash-and-burn agriculture and illegal logging threatens the previously known populations that total about 100 animals, making the existence of the newly found lemurs in a distinct region especially valuable.

"Finding the extremely rare Prolemur simus in a place where nobody expected it was probably more exciting than discovering a new lemur species," said conservation geneticist Edward Louis of Henry Doorly Zoo.

Mittermeier says the discovery shows "the importance for conservation of collaboration between local villagers, local organizations such as MITSINJO and international groups like the Henry Doorly Zoo."



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.