加州大火奪走兩人命 優勝美地國家公園處境仍危 | 環境資訊中心

加州大火奪走兩人命 優勝美地國家公園處境仍危


大火染紅優勝美地四周的天空。圖片來源:Dave Chen7月26日,一名加州消防隊長證實罹難,他在加州北方西斯契憂(Siskiyou)郡鑑定火場時,不幸身亡。

由於屍體被烈焰吞沒,無法進行無誤鑑定辨識,西斯契憂郡行政部門7月27日表示,現年49歲來自華盛頓州塔普斯湖(Lake Tapps)的受害者派克(Daniel Packer),已被逃出火災的隊員指認出來。

7月24日,北加州奧林匹克國家公園的消防人員帕莫爾(Andrew Palmer),也在一場救火行動中喪生。

18歲的帕莫爾,隸屬於沙斯塔翠諾提(Shasta-Trinity)國家森林的老鷹消防隊(Eagle Fire)。他遭到一棵倒落的樹撞擊,當時立刻由美國海岸防衛隊直升機送到加州雷丁市(Redding)的醫院,那時他已宣告不治。


當地官員說:「就在密德派鎮(Midpines)外、馬瑞波沙鎮(Mariposa)東北方2英里外燃燒的電報火(Telegraph fire),已經迫使數百個居民離開他們的家;造成優勝美地山谷停電,並且影響馬瑞波沙(Mariposa)地區的供水。」






艾波多(El Portal)和優勝美地村的電力已被切段,以確保消防人員安全。官員說濃煙能導電,使得在電源線附近工作的消防人員有觸電之虞。






California Fires Kill Two, Yosemite National Park At Risk
SACRAMENTO, California, July 28, 2008 (ENS)

A man identified by fellow firefighters as a fire chief died Saturday while assessing a blaze in Northern California's Siskiyou County.

Although the body was engulfed in flames, making positive identification impossible, the Siskiyou County Sheriff's Department said Sunday that Daniel Packer, 49, of Lake Tapps, Washington was identified as the victim by crew members who escaped.

Olympic National Park firefighter Andrew Palmer was killed fighting a fire in northern California Friday.

Palmer, 18, was assigned to the Eagle Fire on the Shasta-Trinity National Forest. He had been hit by a falling tree and was being transported by a U.S. Coast Guard helicopter to a hospital in Redding, California, when he was pronounced dead.

Just 12 miles west of Yosemite National Park, a 26,000 acre wildfire blazing out of control in steep canyons has burned down 12 homes and is threatening the town of Midpines.

The Telegraph fire, burning just outside Midpines and two miles northeast of the town of Mariposa, has forced hundreds of residents from their homes, caused a power outage in the Yosemite Valley, and is threatening the water supply for the Mariposa Utility District, officials said.

The Mariposa County Sheriff's Department is enforcing an evacuation order for Midpines, which is located along Highway 140 leading to the west entrance of Yosemite National Park. The park has remained open to visitors.

Officials ordered the evacuation of 195 homes under immediate threat, warning that about 2,000 homes are at risk from the racing flames.

An evacuation center has been set up at the Mariposa Elementry School at 5044 Jones St in Mariposa.

Firefighters observed what they described as "extremely erratic fire behavior" due to dry conditions and the fact that the area has not burned in the past 100 years.

The 1,922 firefighters on the job are having a hard time reaching the blaze, which is burning in steep, rugged terrain along both sides of the Merced River.

Power in El Portal and Yosemite Village was cut off to ensure the safety of firefighters. Officials said thick smoke can act as an electrical conduit and deliver electricity to firefighters working near active power lines.

Over a million California acres have been burned since June 20, 2008, when a thunderstorm system moved over the state, with lightning striking over 2,000 fires. Today, over 98 percent of those fires have been contained by firefighting agencies from across California, the USA, and crews.

Conditions throughout California remain extremely dry and fire danger remains very high, California fire officials warn.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.