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太陽能貯能技術新突破 低價太陽能指日可待


納薩拉(Daniel Nocera)等人已研發出利用太陽能來使水分解成氫氣和氧氣的新流程,開啟將來大規模使用太陽能發電的途徑。圖片來源:Donna Coveney, MIT未來10年內,人們便能以太陽能電池(photovoltaic cells)在白天供應家庭用電,並使用多餘的太陽能水解水,生出氫氧並提供家用燃料電池電力。倘若麻省理工學院研發的新流程能讓市場接受,今日中央透過電線傳輸電力的方式,可能成為過去式。

「多年來我們所談論的涅盤正是如此。」麻省理工學院的納薩拉(Daniel Nocera),在7月31日科學(Science)期刊的一篇論文中,描述這個簡單、廉價又有效率的太陽能儲存流程。


納薩拉和他的博士後研究員卡南(Matthew Kanan)從植物的光合作用得到靈感,研發出這個利用太陽能來使水分解成氫氣和氧氣的新流程;氧和氫可以在燃料電池裡重新結合,不分日夜都能以無碳電力供應大樓、住戶或電動車用電。






納薩拉是切森家族基金會(Chesonis Family Foundation)贊助太陽能計畫主持人,和義大利能源集團Eni與MIT合作的太陽能中心(Eni-MIT Solar Frontiers center)副主任,他相信:「這下子科學家真的有得玩了!」


這項計畫由國家科學基金會(NSF)和切森家族基金會(Chesonis Family Foundation)共同贊助,2008年春季已挹注1000萬美元推動太陽能計畫,希望達成10年內大規模應用太陽能目標。

Solar Power Breakthrough Stores Energy for Later Use
CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts, August 2, 2008 (ENS)

Within 10 years, homeowners could power their homes in daylight with solar photovoltaic cells, while using excess solar energy to produce hydrogen and oxygen from water to power a household fuel cell. If the new process developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology finds acceptance in the marketplace, electricity-by-wire from a central source could be a thing of the past.

"This is the nirvana of what we've been talking about for years," said MIT's Daniel Nocera, senior author of a paper describing the simple, inexpensive, and efficient process for storing solar energy in the July 31 issue of the journal "Science."

Until now, solar power has been a daytime-only energy source, because storing extra solar energy for later use is expensive and inefficient. But Nocera and his team of researchers have hit upon an elegant solution.

Inspired by the photosynthesis performed by plants, Nocera and Matthew Kanan, a postdoctoral fellow in Nocera's lab, have developed a new process that will allow the Sun's energy to be used to split water into hydrogen and oxygen gases. Later, the oxygen and hydrogen can be recombined inside a fuel cell, creating carbon-free electricity to power buildings, homes or electric cars - day or night.

The key component in the new process is a new catalyst that produces oxygen gas from water - another catalyst produces valuable hydrogen gas. The new catalyst consists of cobalt metal, phosphate and an electrode, placed in water.

When electricity from a photovoltaic cell, a wind turbine or any other source runs through the electrode, the cobalt and phosphate form a thin film on the electrode, and oxygen gas is produced.

Combined with another catalyst, such as platinum, that can produce hydrogen gas from water, the system can duplicate the water splitting reaction that occurs in plants during photosynthesis.

The new catalyst works at room temperature, in neutral pH water, and is easy to set up, Nocera said. "That's why I know this is going to work. It's so easy to implement," he said.

Sunlight has the greatest potential of any power source to solve the world's energy problems, said Nocera. In one hour, enough sunlight strikes the Earth to provide the entire planet's energy needs for one year.

"This is just the beginning," said Nocera, principal investigator for the Solar Revolution Project funded by the Chesonis Family Foundation and co-Director of the Eni-MIT Solar Frontiers Center. "The scientific community is really going to run with this."

The project is part of the MIT Energy Initiative, a program designed to help transform the global energy system to meet the needs of the future and to help build a bridge to that future by improving today's energy systems.

This project was funded by the National Science Foundation and by the Chesonis Family Foundation, which gave MIT $10 million this spring to launch the Solar Revolution Project, with a goal to make the large scale deployment of solar energy within 10 years.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.