公民力量大勝利 秘魯安地斯居民歡慶成功否決採礦計畫 | 環境資訊中心

公民力量大勝利 秘魯安地斯居民歡慶成功否決採礦計畫


祕魯安地斯山脈的雲霧林(圖片來源:Ben Yehuda)從秘魯皮烏拉山脈(Piuran Cordillera)阿雅巴卡(Ayabaca)地區及其邊緣鄉村社區來的農民(Campesino,譯註:西班牙語)及鎮民,9月10日當天慶祝他們一年前以公民投票方式否絕了在安地斯山(Andean)區進行露天採礦計畫的提案。


這些生物包括很多從未在地球其他地方發現的植物及動物,而這些大部分的秘魯所僅存生物,像是嚴重瀕危的高山貘(mountain tapirs),成為整個系列活動關注的焦點。



由安地斯貘基金會(Andean Tapir Fund)支持的地區保育人士季蓋拉(Alejandro Zegarra)會進行幾場公開的廣播演說。





他們的社區領導人們也被採礦公司及秘魯總統賈西亞(Alan Garcia)指控進行恐怖行動。


Peru's Andeans Celebrate Mining Rejection Despite Torture, Killings
AYABACA, Peru, September 10, 2008 (ENS)

Campesinos and townsfolk from Ayabaca and outlying rural communities in the Piuran Cordillera are celebrating the first anniversary of their citizen referendum rejecting the open-pit mining projects proposed for this Andean region.

Since September 1, they have been participating in a series of conservation talks and festivities centered around enhancing public appreciation for the unique cloud forests and treeless paramos that remain here and their vital role in supplying water for humans and wildlife.

These include many plants and animals found nowhere else on Earth and the majority of Peru's few remaining, critically endangered mountain tapirs, a species highlighted throughout the events.

The festivities will culminate on September 16, the actual date of the 2007 referendum by which 95 percent of citizens voted to reject the mining projects seeking gold, silver, copper, and molybdenum that would alter their environment.

Many Andeans depend upon radio communication as their window to the outside world. Public addresses and discussions concerning the conservation and ecology of this region and how these would be affected by the mining proposals are being broadcast from Ayabaca's major radio station.

Local conservationist Alejandro Zegarra, with support from the Andean Tapir Fund, will be making several public and radio addresses.

Though mining interests have sought to minimize the importance of the referendum, its validity is grounded in Peru's national constitution and is a public reaffirmation of the power of ordinary citizens.

Conservationists here, however, remain on guard to prevent the type of violent repression they have experienced from the mining companies and their well-heeled and aggressive supporters.

Today, more than 300 residents of Piura state are being investigated under charges of terrorism for exercising their rights as citizens to vocally oppose the mining projects that threaten diminishing wildlife populations, their water supply and their way of life.

Additionally, dozens of Piuran citizens are imprisoned for protesting the mining proposals and for insisting upon the enforcement of laws governing environmental protection and the upholding of community and individual rights, including those concerning property and the right of citizens to determine their own future.

Their community leaders have been accused of terrorism by the mining companies and by Peruvian President Alan Garcia.

Mining companies and their employees have unsuccessfully offered local citizens bribes to accept mining, but protest roadblocks leading into the mining concessions remain in place.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.