玻利維亞牧場 「變身」金剛鸚鵡復育保護區 | 環境資訊中心

玻利維亞牧場 「變身」金剛鸚鵡復育保護區


藍喉金剛鸚鵡(blue-throated macaws) (攝影:Roland Seitre;圖片提供: ABC) 目前僅有300隻藍喉金剛鸚鵡(blue-throated macaws)仍然可以在野外生存,但這個嚴重瀕臨絕種的鸚鵡物種將在原生的玻利維亞的草原棲地獲得重生。

玻利維亞鳥類保育組織『愛爾摩尼亞協會(Asociacion Armonia)』(玻利維亞鳥盟分部),在美國鳥類保育協會(American Bird Conservancy)以及美國世界土地信託基金會(World Land Trust-US)的支持下,合作建立了世界第一個大型藍鳥的保護區,大型藍鳥是寵物貿易市場中最珍貴的鳥種。

『愛爾摩尼亞協會』在玻利維亞的東部草原買下一個8785公頃的牧場,在繁殖季節經常會有約20隻藍喉金剛鸚鵡在此區活動。該牧場已改名為『藍鬍自然保護區(Barba Azul Nature Reserve)』,將會促進珍貴鳥類的繁殖和復育。

『愛爾摩尼亞協會』執行長漢尼斯(Bennett Hennessey)表示,「提高公共意識、並建立本土群眾對金剛鸚鵡的支持,是我們最有利的工具,用以制止非法捕捉這些珍貴鳥類進行寵物貿易。」

藍喉金剛鸚鵡(blue-throated macaws) (攝影:Joe Tobias;圖片提供: Armonia)由於容易飼養圈養,這些色彩繽紛的大型鸚鵡被圈養的數量是其他野生鳥類的好幾倍。

美國鳥類保育協會總裁方維克(George Fenwick)表示,「這是我們在保育上的巨大成就。藍喉金剛鸚鵡所受到的主要威脅就是寵物貿易造成的非法偷補活動,以及牧場發展使其棲地受到破壞;然而一直到現在,這些鳥類的生長棲地還是沒有受到保護。」

藍喉金剛鸚鵡(學名Ara glaucogularis)是棲息於玻利維亞貝尼省(Beni)草原的特有品種,其會在棕櫚樹叢中築巢。而成群的棕櫚樹叢即稱為棕櫚島,根植於季節性洪水氾濫的草原上。




世界土地信託基金會美國分部執行長斯威夫特(Byron Swift)表示,「面對這樣的發展壓力,我們迫切需要建立新保護區,來保護這些現存華麗的金剛鸚鵡,以及保護區內更多其他的脆弱物種。」


Bolivian Ranch Becomes Recovery Reserve for Rare Macaw
WASHINGTON, DC, November 7, 2008 (ENS)

Only 300 blue-throated macaws still survive in the wild, but this critically endangered parrot species is getting a new lease on life in its native Bolivian grassland habitat.

The Bolivian bird conservation organization Asociacion Armonia, with the support of American Bird Conservancy and World Land Trust-US, has created the world's first protected area for the large blue birds, prized in the pet trade.

Asociacion Armonia has purchased an 8,785 acre ranch in the grasslands of eastern Bolivia, a site frequented by 20 blue-throated macaws during the breeding season. The ranch has been renamed the Barba Azul Nature Reserve and will be managed to promote breeding and recovery of the rare birds.

Bennett Hennessey, executive director of Armonia, said, "Raising public awareness to build local support for the macaw is our most potent tool to halt the illegal taking of these rare birds for the pet trade."

Easy to breed in captivity, the captive population of these large, brilliantly colored parrots is many times larger than the wild population.

"This is a huge conservation achievement," said George Fenwick, president of American Bird Conservancy. "The main threats to the blue-throated macaw are capture for the pet trade and habitat destruction for cattle ranching, and, until now, the species' habitat was completely unprotected."

The blue-throated macaw, Ara glaucogularis, is native to savannas in the Beni province of Bolivia, and depends on motucu palms for nesting. These palms occur in groups called islands that are embedded in the seasonally flooded grasslands.

Research in the area of the new reserve found the highest known density of blue-throated macaws in the wild. One roosting site in the dry season holds 70 birds and 20 remain during the rainy season.

The birds inhabit a remote area with poor access, and the large group roosts in the palm islands.

The entire known wild population of this species exists on private ranches which undergo yearly burning and heavy grazing by cattle. The number of suitable nest trees has been reduced by land clearing.

"In the face of this development pressure, there is an urgent need to expand the new reserve to conserve a viable population of this spectacular macaw and the many other vulnerable species within it," said Byron Swift, executive director of World Land Trust-US.

Armonia is planning the development of a research station and ecotourism facility with access by airplane at the site to help support the project.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.