美國新政新氣象 歐巴馬將重新檢視布希的行政命令 | 環境資訊中心

美國新政新氣象 歐巴馬將重新檢視布希的行政命令


歐巴馬交接團隊負責人波德斯塔(John Podesta) (圖片來源 : Obama transition team) 歐巴馬交接團隊負責人波德斯塔(John Podesta)11月9日表示,當選下任美國總統的歐巴馬及其團隊已開始重新檢視布希政府所訂立的所有行政命令,並就其內容決定是否予以保留或廢除,而歐巴馬的決策能讓現任總統所頒佈的有害環境命令,失去法令效用。




猶他南部荒地聯盟一直極力抗爭,不讓石油和天然氣的開發行為進入荒地區域,聯盟執行長格林(Scott Groene).更將歐巴馬當選總統,視為「猶他南部荒地聯盟成立25年來保護荒地的最好機會。」

猶他南部荒地聯盟希望猶他州南部的Dirty Devil proposed被指定為荒地 (攝影 : Ray Bloxham 圖片提供 : SUWA) 格林表示,那些被他稱之為「布希政府正當違法決議」的法規都應受到檢討,包括最近才通過的6項土地使用計劃,這項決議將開放上百萬公頃的紅石荒地租賃契約,進行石油天然氣鑽探或開放越野車進入。


環保人士也對新政府抱持著相當大的希望。「自然資源保衛委員會」主席貝尼克(Frances Beinecke)指出:「歐巴馬的當選對於環保人士來說意味著新的開始,也終結了過去8年來美國政府對環境做出的無情攻擊。」


Obama Plans to Overturn Bush Executive Orders
WASHINGTON, DC, November 10, 2008 (ENS)

President-elect Barack Obama and his transition team are already reviewing all of President Bush's executive orders, considering which will be allowed to stand and which will be overturned, the head of his transition team, John Podesta said on Sunday. Obama's decisions could invalidate environmentally damaging orders issued by the current president.

"As a candidate, Senator Obama said that he wanted all the Bush executive orders reviewed, and decide which ones should be kept, and which ones should be repealed, and which ones should be amended," said Podesta, who served as White House chief of staff under President Bill Clinton.

On election day, the Bush administration announced that it will open up about 360,000 acres of Utah public lands to oil and gas drilling in its December lease sale.

The U.S. Bureau of Land Management did not publish details of the 241 proposed oil and gas parcels, but some are believed to be near national parks and monuments such as Arches National Park and Canyonlands National Park in southeastern Utah.

But environmentalists are opposed to any further oil and gas development in the Red Rock country of southern Utah.

Scott Groene, executive director of the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance, which has fought to keep oil and gas development out of wilderness areas, views the Obama presidency as "the best opportunity for wilderness protection in SUWA's 25 year history."

Groene wants review of what he terms, "disastrous last minute Bush administration decisions for legal violations, including the six awful land use plans the administration just approved, which open millions of acres of redrock wilderness to oil and gas leasing and ORVs."

Podesta said the Obama team is looking at "virtually every agency to see where we can move forward, whether that's on energy transformation, on improving health care, on stem cell research."

Environmental advocates are looking to the incoming administration with hope. Frances Beinecke, president of the Natural Resources Defense Council, said November 4, 'The election of Barack Obama represents a new day for environmentalists. His election brings an end to eight years of unrelenting assaults on the environment."

"Our staff and members are ready to work with President-elect Obama and the new Congress to advance his 'New Energy for America Plan,' which includes creating five million clean technology jobs, putting a million hybrid cars on the road, and capping carbon emissions," said Beinecke.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.