China's consumption of wildlife for food and medicine is rising, while China's traditional medicine trade also is rapidly growing, finds a review of wildlife trade in China in 2007, released today by Traffic, the international wildlife trade monitoring network.
Chinese traditional medicine is growing at any annual rate of 10 percent. This, together with habitat loss, has impacted medicinal plant and animal populations, which have shrunk rapidly, with 15 percent to 20 percent of medicinal plants and animals now considered endangered, the report finds.
Eating wild animals has long been a tradition in southern China, and while general consumption of wild animals slowed with SARS in 2003, a recent survey of wild animals sold in five cities in southern China shows that the tradition has once again gained in popularity.
The online survey found 142 published cases involving the trade of wild animals for food in China. Of these, 61 involved species on the Chinese or international lists of protected animals.
The major use of other protected species - snakes, turtles, wild birds, small cats, deer and wild pig - and other wildlife not protected under Chinese law - sea horses, live reef fish, sea cucumber, shark, abalone, and pheasant - was for food.
Geographically, residents of Guangzhou in southern China had the highest incidence of wildlife consumption, as both food or medicine/tonic, followed by Kunming, Harbin and Chengdu.
Men were consistently more likely to consume wildlife as food than women. Also, people with higher incomes and education levels were consistently more likely to consume wildlife as food.
The Chinese traditional medicine trade has grown by 10 percent a year since 2003. Asia receives the greatest amount of medicinals, worth US$687 million, but Europe and North America are increasingly important markets, each importing medicinals worth about one-sixth of the amount imported by Asian countries.